interest rate stock valuation risk and returns 1

Part 1: Interest Rates

Many managers do not understand the various ways that interest rates can affect business decisions. For example, if your company decided to build a plant with a 30-year life and short-term debt financing (renewed annually), the cost of the plant could skyrocket if interest rates were to return to their previous highs of 12% to 14%. On the other hand, locking into high, long-term rates could be very costly also with a long period when low short-term interest rates were to be available. As you can see, the ability to know your economic environment and its impact on projected interest rates can be crucial to making good financing decisions.

Describe two to three macroeconomic factors that influence interest rates in general. Explain the effects of each factor on interest rates.

Now think about the industry in which you are employed or one in which you have past experience. To what macroeconomic factors is your industry most sensitive?

Describe two contemporary factors that seem to be impacting your industry today, and identify their impacts on the interest rates experienced within your chosen industry.

Support your comments with your own experiences, the weekly resources, and/or additional research. Use APA throughout and provide appropriate in-text citations and references.

Part 2: Stock Valuation, Risk and Returns

Stock valuation

Dividend Discount Model Stock Valuation

How to value a company using discounted cash flow (DCF)

Stock Valuation and Investment Decisions

The links above contain information on stock valuation, risk and returns. Please review each one of them. Based on the knowledge gained from the materials presented in the links above, complete the following activities:

Present a detailed discussion of what you learned about stock valuation. Provide examples of how your company have used the concepts. Do you believe financing a company’s operation using stock is better than financing with bonds? Why or why not? Support your discussion with a numerical example.

Based on the materials presented in the “Risk and Return” video, present a discussion on why the materials are important in financial decision making. How would you incorporate risk and return in your financing decisions?


Mininum 2 references for each part, APA format, each part should have min 250 words.

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poetry analysis 12

Review the chapter “Writing about Literature” (pp. 1089-1142) in your Backpack Literature textbook and model the format of your essay on the annotated sample essays in the chapter.

ASSIGNMENT: Write a 1000-word critical analysis using one of the poetry analysis prompts below. For this paper assignment, we will continue to work with scholarly sources in order to use what specialists in the genre of poetry have to say and to build upon their work to frame our own views in our our own academic writing. From the Graff/Birkenstein readings (see “Introduction” and “Chapters 3-5” in the Course Documents area of the course) you’ve learned how to effectively read, quote, and respond to sources by furthering the conversation — by either agreeing with a difference, by disagreeing with reasons, or agreeing and disagreeing simultaneously. Now it is time to demonstrate what you’ve learned by critically reading scholarly sources, effectively framing quotations from those sources, and presenting your original viewpoint by using one of the three ways to respond. For this assignment, you should search the TROY Library databases, identify two scholarly articles about the poetry you’ve selected, and frame and respond to at least one quotation from each of the two scholarly sources that address the specific topic from the prompts below.

Prompt #1: Compare and contrast any two poems in Backpack Literature that treat a similar theme. Let your comparison bring you to an evaluation of the poems. Which is the stronger, more satisfying one? Essay Outline: The introduction should identify the poems under consideration, their authors, and any necessary background information that is significantly relevant to the main focus of your essay. The introduction should conclude with your original idea (your thesis) presented as a response to an effectively framed quotation from one of the scholarly sources you found in the Troy Library databases (use the templates for introducing, explaining, and framing quotations in Graff/Birkenstein’s Chapter Three — pp. 42-50). Body paragraphs should support and develop your thesis with specific references to the poems, bolstered by effective responses to your scholarly articles. Use the templates in Graff/Birkenstein for introducing, explaining, and framing a quotation (Chapter Three — pp. 42-50) and the templates for responding to sources in Graff/Birkenstein’s Chapter Four — pp. 55-66. Be sure to clarify what you “say” from what your source “says” by using the templates from Graff/Birkenstein’s Chapter Five (“Distinguishing What You Say from What They Say” — pp. 68-75). Your conclusion should place your original argument within a larger, meaningful context for your reader.

Prompt #2: Compare and contrast any two poems by a single poet in Backpack Literature. Look for two poems that share a characteristic thematic concern. Some examples might include Mortality in the work of Emily Dickinson, Women’s Issues in the work of Sylvia Plath, or Nature in the work of Robert Frost, just to give you an idea of possible topics. See the Index on pp. 1179-1187 for a listing of works grouped by author to explore multiple poems by a single poet. Essay Outline: The introduction should identify the poet under consideration, the poems, and any necessary background information that is significantly relevant to the main focus of your essay. The introduction should conclude with your original idea (your thesis) presented as a response to an effectively framed quotation from one of the scholarly sources you found in the Troy Library databases (use the templates for introducing, explaining, and framing quotations in Graff/Birkenstein’s Chapter Three — pp. 42-50). Body paragraphs should support and develop your thesis with specific references to the play, bolstered by effective responses to your scholarly articles. Use the templates in Graff/Birkenstein for introducing, explaining, and framing a quotation (Chapter Three — pp. 42-50) and the templates for responding to sources in Graff/Birkenstein’s Chapter Four — pp. 55-66. Be sure to clarify what you “say” from what your source “says” by using the templates from Graff/Birkenstein’s Chapter Five (“Distinguishing What You Say from What They Say” — pp. 68-75). Your conclusion should place your original argument within a larger, meaningful context for your reader.

SOURCE CITATION: Your essay must properly cite the poems and the two required scholarly sources. Correct source usage consists of two elements: (1) brief in-text citations for any idea or passage that is not your original idea; and (2) a properly formatted list of all Works Cited at the end of the essay. Your Writers Reference textbook contains sections on evaluating and using sources and avoiding plagiarism. Email me with any questions about allowable use.

FORMAT: The essay must conform to MLA standards: double-space, twelve-point font (Times New Roman or Courier), and one-inch margins on all pages. Your Writers Reference textbook contains sections on MLA format instructions and models.


15% Introduction: You effectively identify the poets and poems under consideration and provide brief and relevant background information if necessary.

15% Thesis: You state your main point (or argument) in 1-2 sentences. The thesis is the culmination of your introduction.

30% Organization. Your essay should follow that of a typical literary critique: Since your focus must be on critical analysis, your essay must contain well-structured supporting paragraphs that contain a topic sentence, quotes from the primary text (the poems you are writing about) and secondary sources (the two scholarly articles you are using to respond to), an explanation/discussion of the significance of the quotes you use in relation to your thesis, and a concluding sentence or two that situates the entire paragraph in relation to the thesis. Your thesis will focus on some kind of critical analysis of the primary texts (the poems), so your supporting paragraphs should be organized around each of the quotes you use, explaining the significance of the quotes and why (or how) they illustrate your main point, but you also need to make sure that your paragraphs contain strong transitions and at least six (or more) sentences.

10% Conclusion: Regardless of the argument you make, you want a conclusion that avoids summarizing what you’ve just said, and please avoid writing, “In conclusion.…” — be creative! Your aim in a conclusion is to place the discussion in a larger context.

15% Grammar and mechanics: Your paper avoids basic grammar mistakes, such as dropped apostrophes in possessives, subject/verb disagreement, arbitrary tense switches, etc. The paper demonstrates a commitment to proofreading by avoiding easy-to-catch typos and word mistakes (effect for affect, for example). The paper adheres to MLA formatting style for in-text citations. Your paper uses the active voice rather than the passive voice and demonstrates an understanding of how to use active verbs (no “to be” verbs) and concise, concrete language.

15% Presentation: Your paper meets the minimum length criteria of 1000 words, is typed with a title and your name on it. Your title should reflect the main idea of your essay, not the assignment (don’t title your work Essay #4). Your paper must be fully double-spaced throughout to allow room for my comments and editing or the paper will be returned ungraded.

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bankruptcy and reorganization

You then need to watch a YouTube video presentation on your chosen topic and then post the presentation summary in the dialog box. Your summary must consist of at least one paragraph of reasonable length (7-9 sentences). Your post must include the following (in this order):

1, Title (Chapter # and topic)

2. Summary of the presentation

3. Link to the video

You may, at your discretion, watch multiple videos on your chosen topic. In that case, you must provide the links to all the videos.

Topic that I chose: Bankruptcy and reorganization

When a business becomes insolvent, it doesn’t have enough cash to meet its interest and principal payments. A decision must then be made whether to dissolve the firm through liquidation, or to permit it to reorganize and thus continue to operate. These issues are addressed in Chapter 7 and Chapter 11 of the federal bankruptcy statutes, and the final decision is made by a federal bankruptcy court judge.

The decision to force a firm to liquidate versus permitting it to reorganize depends on whether the value of the reorganized business is likely to be greater than the value of its assets if they were sold off piecemeal. In a reorganization, the firm’s creditors negotiate with management on the terms of a potential reorganization. The reorganization plan may call for restructuring the debt, in which case the interest rate may be reduced; the term to maturity, lengthened; or some of the debt may be exchanged for equity. The point of the restructuring is to reduce the financial charges to a level that is supportable by the firm’s projected cash flows. Of course, the common stockholders also have to “take a haircut”—they generally see their position diluted as a result of additional shares being given to debtholders in exchange for accepting a reduced amount of debt principal and interest. A trustee may be appointed by the court to oversee the reorganization, but the existing management generally is allowed to retain control.

Liquidation occurs if the company is deemed to be worth more “dead” than “alive.” If the bankruptcy court orders a liquidation, assets are auctioned off and the cash obtained is distributed as specified in Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Act. Web Appendix 7C provides an illustration of how a firm’s assets are distributed after liquidation. For now, this is what you need to know: (1) The federal bankruptcy statutes govern reorganization and liquidation. (2) Bankruptcies occur frequently. (3) A priority of the specified claims must be followed when the assets of a liquidated firm are distributed. (4) Bondholders’ treatment depends on the terms of the bond. (5) Stockholders generally receive little in reorganizations and nothing in liquidations because the assets are usually worth less than the amount of debt outstanding.

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cs 3323 chapter 5 assignment

Implement a linked list using dynamic memory. the program should contain the following member function and prompt the user to input the values.

void insert_at_start(int);
void insert_at_end(int);
void insert_before_node_value(int);
void insert_after_node_value(int);
void delete_at_start_value();
void delete_at_end_value();
void delete_before_node_value(int);
void display();

upload your complied program contain a header/interface file, implementation file and the driver/test file.

also upload the CMD/CLI screen shot of the result after execution of the program.

Two students can work together and submit the code, ensure each of submit the code and results individually and the file name should contain the last name of both the students.

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westward expansion from 1860 1890 essay

This assignment is a “think piece,” which is an essay that requires you to interact with a subject and develop your own interpretation based on that experience. After your initial analysis of a specific topic, you should synthesize that with other outside research to support your ideas. You should use a minimum of two other scholarly, peer-reviewed resources.

Specifically, for this assignment we will use an interactive map of westward expansion from 1860 to 1890. You can access it at this URL: (The interactive map will often not work with Google Chrome). Once you have the map open, click on the boxes for Major Cities, Railroad Networks, Improved Agricultural Land, and States and Territories. At the bottom of the map, you will notice the decades 1860, 1870, 1880, and 1890. Click on each of these decades in succession and you will see the ways in which the country changed. The goal of this assignment is for you to interpret, synthesize, and analyze what you are seeing on the map. You will make a well-organized argument, support that through research, and then write a conclusion for your findings.

Analysis is the process whereby the researcher separates something into its component parts. In an analytical essay, the writer examines a subject relative to its own terms and explains the problem by studying the individual parts. In contrast, synthesis requires that the researcher examine individual unrelated parts in an effort to discover something new. A good essay will utilize both analysis and synthesis. Instead of examining the simple facts of a problem, the writer will go beyond the obvious, making connections between different pieces of evidence to discover something new.

As an example, consider a modern map of the world illustrating the growth of the internet over the last thirty years. It demonstrates the new ways in which the world is connected by facilitating the spread of ideas through instantaneous communication. Access to much of the information that once required us to physically travel to a library is now accessible through a computer at home (or a mobile phone in your pocket). Social media has also given us the ability to discuss and debate ideas, not only with our friends and family, but with people we may have never met. We all have the power to disseminate knowledge around the globe within a matter of seconds.

If you were writing a paper on this topic (this is an example only, as your paper will focus on the period from 1860 to 1890) you could analyze this larger topic by focusing on a specific aspect like use of the internet in online education. You might make the argument that the internet has enabled more non-traditional students to pursue a higher education. Your synthesis would include understanding the connections between your outside research and your argument.

This essay should be at least three double-spaced pages of text (Times New Roman, font size 12) and you must consult a minimum of two academically credible sources. 1” margins on all sides and pages numbers centered on the bottom of every page except the cover page. Bibliographies and citations should be in MLA format.

This essay needs to be turned in through the assignment section for grading. If you use any of the information from your sources word-for-word, you must cite the source by using endnotes or footnotes, and enclose those words within quotation marks. If you read the information and write it in your own words and it is not common knowledge, then you must cite the source because you are paraphrasing someone’s information.

The short paper must include a cover page with your name, course number and course title, instructor’s name, and date. You must also include a bibliography at the end of your paper. While composing your paper, use proper English. Do not use abbreviations, contractions, informal language, passive voice, or first/ second person (I, you, we, our, etc). Before submitting your paper, check your grammar and use spell check. Remember, the way you talk is not the way you write a paper.

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paper must include both a title page and reference

Provide your answers to the following questions in a 2- 3 page paper (NO MORE THAN 3 PAGES; title page and reference page are not counted as pages): paragraph should be more then 3 sentences

  1. What should the culture and environment of safety look like when preparing and administering medications? Support all claims with scholarly sources. All claims and paraphrased work needs to be cited.
  2. Identify 3 -5 common breaches of mediation administration and what factors lead to those breaches. Support all claims with scholarly sources. All claims and paraphrased work needs to be cited.
    1. An example of a common breach and cause: A common error when administering medications is administering the wrong dose of a medication to a client (McCuistion et. al. 2018; Cloete, 2015). According to Cloete (2015), nurses’ often prepare medications around several distractions. Preparing medications with distractions such as noise and interruptions can lead to collecting an incorrect dose and administering it to a client, thus causing a medication error (Cloete, 2015).
  3. How can the identified medication errors and causes be prevented? Support all claims with scholarly sources. All claims and paraphrased work needs to be cited.
    1. An example of prevention: Distraction is identified as a common cause of medication errors when administering medications to patients (McCuistion et. al., 2018; Cloete, 2015). In Cloete’s (2015) review of how to reduce medications errors Cloete found that by developing a quiet zone, an area where nurses can collect medications without distractions, will decrease the chances of a nurse administering the wrong dose to their client.
  4. Reflect on all the information you discovered and come up with a plan to preventing medication errors utilizing your findings. Your plan should reflect the information you researched. (Do NOT use 1st person; use the “the author of this paper” if needed.)
    1. Example of a reflection: Distraction is considered a major cause of common medication errors, therefore it’s important for nurses to prepare medications in a quiet area (McCuistion et. al., 2018; Cloete, 2015). The author of this paper will prepare all medications at or in a medication room where distractions are limited. This room and/or area will be quiet and provide limited interruptions.
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quanatative case study 2 files needed

2 files needed 1 word, 1 excel

Prepare a single Microsoft Excel file, using a separate worksheet for each regression model, to document your regression analyses. Prepare a single Microsoft Word document that outlines your responses for each portions of the case studyCase Study

You will be expected to:

  • perform certain calculations discussed in the assigned reading in order to derive an answer for each problem.
  • use Microsoft Excel to complete each problem and submit a single Excel spreadsheet that contains a separate worksheet (i.e., separate tab) for each problem.
  • have each worksheet be clearly labeled to identify the associated problem.
  • to show all calculations or other work performed to derive your answer(s) for each problem.have your spreadsheet be fully functional (i.e., configured to allow the reader to not only see all numerical values, but also be able to see the underlying formula associated with each calculated value).
  • to label your work in each worksheet to clearly identify the nature of each piece of data or calculated value.

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parts of a report

Parts of a Formal Report (~300 words)

[Will be evaluated using 302 Remembering Understanding rubric]

Objective: After completing this preparatory assignment, you will be able to identify and explain the parts of a formal report.

Rationale: A well-written formal report says a great deal about its authors’ quality of thought and eye for detail. “Formal report are distinguished from informal letter and memo reports by their length and their components” (Locker and Kienzler 596). This assignment is meant to help you remember and understand the required elements of a formal report.

Directions: For this assignment, you will need to identify and explain the parts of a formal report. Note that although you can use the textbook’s terminology, you should not quote the textbook’s explanations for those terms.

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letter for legislator on health issue

This assignment will provide you with the opportunity to practice influencing policy by communicating with a legislator about a current health problem. The letter should be in block format for a business letter, the letter may be more than one page. You do need to support with evidence. Cite your sources and include a reference page at the end of your letter. Follow the assignment directions and review the rubric. You can view samples for formatting a business letter on the following link:

In addition some helpful links on how to formulate a letter to your legislator may be found

Follow the steps below to write a letter advocating for change, go to for an example:

  1. Select a current health problem that is being debated at the national and/or state level (e.g., the proliferation of “pill mills”, pain clinics, etc) and state why it is of interest. Be sure to research your problem.
  2. Identify a legislator (state or federal) and state (OHIO: if you choose a state) why that person is the appropriate one to contact, you will show why this is right person to contact based on the supporting data you provided in your letter.
  3. Draft a letter to the legislator in business block format including the proper salutation.
  4. Introduce yourself and your reason for writing.Include the following in the body of your letter:
  5. Introduce yourself and your reason for writing.
  6. State concisely what you understand to be the current socioeconomic, political, and ethical issues surrounding the problem. You must have supporting data (include citations).
  7. Discuss the implications of the problem for your community, nursing or nursing practice.
  8. Make a clear request for action. You must have supporting data (include citations).
  9. Request a response.
  10. Include a reference page beginning on the page following the end of the letter, also include citations in the body of your letter. At least three references are required.

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i need the final project of my phycology class completed


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