visual presentation 1
Create a Visual Presentation based on 1 chosen photographer based artist.
Pick an artist that is an important contributor to the history of photography. Create a Pow
erpoint or Keynote presentation. Just because the example PDF shows a landscape
photographer that does not mean that you have to choose a landscape photographer.
•Technical Aspects:Requires (see example PDF for help):
A Title Page: Photographer’s Name, birth place & inclusive dates (i.e. 1921–2009), portrait (if available).
Chronology: Provide (no more than a one page) chronological sequence (years) of the photographer’s important achievements
Summary:In your own words, provide no more than a one page explanation of the
photographer’s work. (What makes it significant?)
Photographs: A sequence of 20 samples of the photographer’s work with
titles and dates (12 pt font size).