document design 1

Document Design (~300 words)

[Will be evaluated using 302 Applying Analyzing Evaluating rubric]

Objective: After completing this preparatory assignment, you will be able to effectively design text to aid reader comprehension.

Rationale: As our textbook states: “Good document design saves time and money, reduces legal problems, and builds goodwill” (Locker and Kienzler 160). This assignment will provide you an opportunity to design a text using the guidelines for effective document design.

Directions: For this assignment, you’ll need to download the attached text and design it using the guidelines explained in our textbook.


302 Applying Analyzing Evaluating (1)

302 Applying Analyzing Evaluating (1)

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLevel of EffortLevel of Effort. Puts forth honest effort to remembering and understanding the relevant course content. Creates thoughtful responses to assignment prompts.

3.0 pts


Responds to assignment prompts in own words; connects content to previous or current experiences or knowledge so thoroughly that instructor couldn’t ask for better; uses complete sentences and paragraphs.

2.4 pts


Responds to assignment prompts in own words; clearly connects content to previous or current experiences or knowledge; uses complete sentences and paragraphs.

1.8 pts


Responds to assignment prompts in own words; makes attempt to connect content to previous or current experiences or knowledge but ideas need further development to be completely clear; uses complete sentences and paragraphs.

1.2 pts


Responds by quoting from other sources; does not make an effort to answer in own words; uses complete sentences and paragraphs.

0.6 pts


Provides few words of response; incomplete sentences.

3.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAccuracy of ContentAccuracy of Content. Solves problems to new situations by applying acquired knowledge, facts, concepts, skills, techniques, and rules in a different way. Examines and breaks information into parts by identifying motives, needs, causes, purposes, or contexts. Makes inferences and finds evidence to support claims. Presents and defends opinions by making judgments about information, relevance of ideas, or quality of work based on a set of criteria.

7.0 pts


Responds to the prompts so completely and accurately that the instructor couldn’t ask for any better.

5.9 pts


Fully addresses the questions; shows clear understanding of the course material; solves a problem, examines information, makes inferences, finds supporting evidence or uses criteria in manner that is clear.

5.3 pts


Addresses the questions; has minimal misunderstanding of the course material; attempts to solve a problem, examine information, make inferences, find supporting evidence or use criteria but ideas need further development to be completely clear.

4.7 pts


Misunderstands the course material; does not solve a problem, examine information, make inferences, find supporting evidence, or use criteria.

3.9 pts


Does not respond directly to the assignment prompts; does not use or refer to the required course content; misrepresents or misunderstands the relevant concepts.

7.0 pts

Total Points: 10.0

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