modern american indians discussion 1

You begin your discussion work in the class with the subject of Modern American Indians. You first read Chapter 2 in the text, and the Modern American Indians lecture and you read the Baydo essay in the reader book American Indians from Assimilation to Casinos. Plus you are to view the various Modern American Indian videos.

You are now to become a newspaper reporter who has followed Red Power movement from its beginning to its end. You are going to describe this movement its its leaders, various organizations with their demonstrations and protests, and the various tribes with their protests and demonstrations. You are going to use text, lecture, reader book essay, videos, plus the following websites in writing your news paper article in this discussion assignment. Here are the websites to review:

Red Power- to an external site.

National Indian Youth Council- (Links to an external site.)

American Indian Movement- (Links to an external site.)

Finally you are going to comment on whether you feel the Indians casinos are helpful to the modern Indians and also agree or disagree with two other students in this discussion assignment.

1.During the 1960s to 1980s, an active Indian movement, which was the Red Power Movement, took place in the US. In the lecture’s text, it states that political Red Power is a form of Red Power that attempts to solve problems through the political process (Lecture Ch.2, 2020). The bottom line of the political Red Power movement is a problem solved. Moreover, according to the website, the web mentions that The Red Power movement was a social movement led by Native American youth to demand self-determination for Native Americans, and the phrase “Red Power” was written by an author, Vine Deloria, Jr (Wikipedia, 2019). There are two types of political Red Power. One is tribal Red Power, the other is Organizational Red Power. For tribes examples, Makah Indians have problems with white people because they driving on their ocean beach reservation, littering and partying. So, Makah Indian start to protest. After a protest, they closed a major portion of the reservation, and they were given a victory. Therefore, whites were given limited access to the reservation beach( Lecture Ch.2, 2020). Furthermore, The Havasupai tribe live at the bottom of the Grand Canyon; they found that tourists caused many problems with the environment. So their protests led to the closing of some of their reservation at the bottom on the Grand Canyon to tourists (Lecture Ch.2, 2020). For organizations examples, such as the National Indian Youth Council. This Organization found some problems with fishing rights, so they protest for fishing rights. This organization was very active in the movement to preserve tribal fishing rights in the Northwest (Wikipedia, 2019). Moreover, the American Indian Movement, There were some problems happened between American and Indian. Indians gathered together to protest broken treaties and to talk to government officials. However, few government officials willing to talk with them. Therefore, in 1973, the movement came one of the high points of political red power with the AIM seizure of Wounded Knee. Massive Indians were killed( Lecture Ch.2, 2020).


The Red Power Movement commonly expressed a growing sense of the Indian national identity in the late 1960s among American Indians in the United States. The Red Power Movement was the American Indian Movement, founded in 1968 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The members and leaders of this Movement were young and active who represented urban Indian communities. The purpose of this American Indian Movement was to promote civil rights for Indians in different cities. The members of this movement were trying to seek equal treatment from police against their community people. In a short time, this movement was able to gain some benefits and being a role in building places of their own like churches and making charity organizations. The Movement wanted to have rights about police brutality, racism, sub-standard housing and unemployment in communities, not to mention long-standing concerns about treaties broken by the US government. The founding members of the organization include George Mitchell, Dennis Banks, Eddie Benton Panay, and Clyde Pelican, who mobilized the Native American community to discuss these concerns. The leadership soon found itself fighting for tribal sovereignty, restoring indigenous lands, preserving indigenous cultures, good education and health care for indigenous peoples. By the late 1970s, the Red Power movement began to collapse due to internal conflicts, the imprisonment of leaders and efforts by government agencies such as the FBI and CIA to infiltrate the group. The national leadership was reportedly dissolved in 1978. The local branches of the group remained active. The Red Power movement remains based in Minneapolis with many branches nationwide. The organization takes pride in fighting for the rights of indigenous peoples enshrined in the treaties and helping to preserve indigenous traditions and spiritual practices. The organization also fought for the interests of indigenous peoples in Canada, Latin America and around the world. No one, inside or outside the movement, has so far been able to destroy the will and power of the movement solidarity.
I think that financially it might be helpful to the modern Indians but that might not be as easy as it sounds. That’s because, by 2011, there were 460 gambling casinos operated by 240 tribes across the United States, total annual revenue of $ 27 billion, according to the National Indian Gambling Commission. Despite revenue growth and improvements in the infrastructure of some of the reserves as a result of casinos, there are indications that they have not improved the conditions of American Indians in general. 54 percent between 1991 and 1997, as many jobs were held by non-Indians, according to tribal data provided to the Bureau of Indian Affairs. So money might not be the solution after all.

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