do a implementation proposal for linux in a certain format i have something that i wrote but its not in the right format

1. What this assignment is: it is an implementation plan that you create. You are the team lead and you are writing a plan to your corporate staff, the ones who funded this project and told you to get rid of XP.
2. How to write this plan. Your academic writing experience will not tell you how to organize a document like this, so I will help you.
a. Each sentence you write is a statement of fact. “This plan describes an implementation procedure for ….” Not, “I am presenting this plan for your approval.” There will never be a sentence with “I” or “we”; it’s “a team has been formed to….”.
b. Audience: there are 2 significant stakeholders that you need to consider for this task:
i. The management: they hired you to solve a problem for their business operations. Show confidence, or conversely raise the red flag that the job has risk, then state the risk and your recommendation. Assume you have a budget; it has not been set for you. Pick whatever number you want.
ii. The departments: they run their current XP applications, like MS Office and accounting software and maybe graphics and others. Use your imagination, you can even fictionalize the name of the software, just pin it to a department. You are taking away their software to run something else on linux. Have a little empathy for them. This means that if they are part of the evaluation and selection process. State this right out front, even in the Executive Summary.

The following is what needs to be done on the report. I have attached some information that can help you out.
3. How to organize this document. This is what your corporate staff wants from you:
a. Executive Summary. Start with “This document describes an implementation plan to replace …XP machines…”
b. Project Schedule (include a GANTT chart)
c. Budget
d. Technical Details
i. Hardware – do not use the minimum hardware spec’d for linux; you can summarize the old specs in one sentence and then use a table to state your new CPU/RAM/Disk/monitors/video cards.
Your spec’d out new hardware should scale and support your organization for several years.
ii. Software. Specifically mention linux replacement software for Microsoft; example: LibreOffice
e. Risk Management (NIST SP800-53 and SP800-37 are good for a few sentences)
f. Security
g. Testing and Acceptance Criteria
h. Fallback Plan
i. Conclusion- your conclusion should almost restate the exec summary.

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