because of the unknown emotional state and violence potential of the parties involved domestic assault is one of the most dangerous calls to which police can respond in your opinion what is the most important role an officer can take when responding to

include in cite qoutes and references and be detailed with asking questions in main post and to the student peer post, back it up with proof. Because of the unknown emotional state and violence potential of the parties involved, domestic assault is one of the most dangerous calls to which police can respond. In your opinion, what is the most important role an officer can take when responding to a domestic assault? Describe the role and defend your position.

Please make your initial post by midweek, and respond to at least one other student’s post by the end of the week. Please check the for specific due dates.

respond to peer below ask questions be detailed

There is no doubt that a domestic dispute call is a very sensitive and possibly very dangerous call for police to respond to. In the instance of domestic violence I will use a personal experience. When I was 15, I had received a call from my mom while I was at work telling me that my step-dad was drunk and was on his way home from the bar in a mood. I was instructed to hurry home to grab some clothes and spend the night at my friends house. As I was leaving the house my step-dad pulls into the drive-way and immediately goes after me. Since I was a stupid teenage, I engage in the fight which eventually got me punched in the face by my 350lb step-dad. When I called the cops, the first thing they did was to separate us . I feel that was crucial for the cops to do. I’m not talking separating us by a few feet, but by taking me to my friends house to talk to me while another officer spoke with my step-dad. The National Sheriff’s Association recommends the same type of action during domestic violence calls. They recommend, to proceed without lights or sirens, have two officers respond and to separate the individuals. Since the perpetrator and the victim already know each other and have a relationship whether it be intimate or adult and child, it is important to take the victim out of ear shot of the perpetrator in order to obtain a more honest account of what happened. In my case, the police recommended that since I was not going to press charges, that I at least stay with my friend for a couple days.

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