6 page group theory paper
Group Proposal
CPSY 5633- Group Theory and Process
Each student will be required to develop a group aimed at treating a disorder or population
(ALCOHOLICS) of your choice. A review of literature (within six years) should support the use of your chosen group type with the specific population you are choosing. You must include a reference list of 5- 10 articles, which show research support for your proposal. These references must be peer-reviewed articles. The paper should be double be doubled-spaced, and a minimum of six papers in length. It must be in APA Style.
Write out your proposal with goals, procedures, and strategies for evaluation. Consider the following questions in developing your proposal.
Group Description
1. What type of group will you create? Will it be a counseling group? A therapy group? A personal-growth group? Will it be short term or long term?
2. Who is the group for? What specific population?
3. Will it be in a particular setting?
4. Will it be a specific issue or disorder?
5. What led you to choose this particular type of group for your proposal? What
interest you to it?
6. What are your goals and objectives for this group? What your short-term goals? What are your long-term goals?
7. How will these goals be accomplished in a group setting?
8. Why is there a need for this type of group?
9. What is the research support for this project? Do you have a clear and
convincing rationale for your group? (Include your review of literature)
Group Leaders
10. Who will lead the group? What are his or her qualifications? Will it be a co- leader?
11. If working with a co-leader, describe how you will divide the responsibilities and roles?
Selection of Members
12. What are some of the ways in which you will announce your group and recruit members for it? What will you get members? How will you convey the group in an announcement? (Place an announcement or flyer you developed in an Appendix).
13. What kind of screening and selection procedures will be used? What is the rationale for these procedures? Whom will you include or exclude? (Include a
screening/selection form or checklist and a informed consent form in
14. How many members will be in the group? Where will the group meet? How
often will it meet? How long will be meeting last? Will it be an open or close group?
Structure of the group
15. What structure will the group have? Will leaders use a particular theoretical orientation? Explain in how it will be demonstrated through activities or approaches in this group. Will it be designed around special topics and issues? Will there be a “here and now†focus? What topics are likely to be the focus of the group?
16. Will you ask members to formulate contracts as a basis for structuring the sessions? (If so include the contract in the Appendix)
17. What ground rules will the group have? (Include list of ground rules in Appendix)
18. How will you handle the fact that people will be taking some risks by participating in the group? What will you tell them about these risks? Will you take special precautions with minors?
19. Will the group be voluntary or mandatory? If the members are required to attend what measures are you going to take to increase the chances of increasing cooperation? How will you deal with resistance of members who did not want to participate?
20. What specific ethical considerations may need to be addressed in your group? Does you proposal reflect an awareness of ethical practice? What guidelines will you follow?
21. What theoretical orientation will you use within the group? What techniques and procedure use? Will there be structured exercises? Will you emphasize role-playing? Will student be assigned homework?
22. To what extent will you be available for individual consultation with group members? If there is difficulty, are you willing to meet with them privately? When might you suggest a referral for a particular member?
23. What is the plan for the sessions of the group? (Include a plan for six sessions. Each session should include:
a. Objective of session
b. Agenda and goals
c. Activities and time needed for each
d. Materials needed
Group Leader Meeting Summary Sheet
24. First Meeting: Describe how you would begin the first meeting. How will you build a rapport and cohesiveness in the group? Will you address potential absences or tardiness?
25. Anticipate Critical Incidents: Given the type of group and the specific population, what problems and critical incidents do you anticipate? How do you intend to handle them?
26. Closure/Termination: How will you structure the ending of the group?
27. What evaluation procedures do you plan to use? Will you evaluate each session? If so, how? Once the group ends, what methods might you use to access the overall effectiveness of the group? (Include a sample of the follow- up form or questions in the Appendix)
28. What follow-up procedures might you use? Will you meet with each member privately to discuss whether he or she has met his or her personal goals?
29. How will you handle referrals for clients that may need additional services?
(Include a referral form in Appendix)
An appendix should be each of the following: