writing course assignment 1

1. (I could handle this part)

Please bring in 3 library books and 3 scholarly articles to class. These should be books and articles that pertain to the “problem” you’re interested in exploring in your CP. You do not need to have read all of the books/articles that you bring in, but you should have read enough to know that they relate closely to the subject of your essay. (See the 3 Source Evaluations assignment for more details on that.)

In addition to bringing the three books and three articles into class, please upload full citations—following proper MLA format—for each of them. If you don’t know how to use MLA format, Google it! (Or, better, check out Purdue Online Writing Lab .)

2.3 Source Evaluations

Begin by re-reading pp. 66-68 and pp. 239-242 of the AGWR. (You’ll notice that there’s some repetition here.)

Now, using the guideline on p. 68 (and/or the nearly identical guideline on p. 240), please write Source Evaluations for three (3) of the books and/or articles that you’ll be bringing into class. See the 3 Books + 3 Articles assignment for more detail on that.

The first part of each Source Evaluation—i.e., how relevant the source is to the problem you’re exploring in your CP—will be crucial here. That is, as you write your Source Evaluation, you may discover that the article or book you’ve found doesn’t actually have much to do with your topic (even though it might be interesting for other reasons). If that happens—sorry! You’ll have to do some more research and find another source that is more relevant to your topic. Of course, there’s another option, too: you can always change the topic of your CP so that it now relates more directly to your source. If you do that, though, you’ll probably have to change your OTHER sources, since they’ll no longer be quite as relevant….

3. CP proposal

Please write a 2-page proposal detailing the “problem” you will be writing about in your Context project proposal(see attach). Minimum 300 words! (My writing course’s Context project is starting, the introduction due in Thursday,so you should start to think about the topic and sources. This course is really look forward to research varies type of sources)

In your proposal, you should do your best to define and describe the problem you’re interested in exploring. You should make sure that you’ve located the problem in a specific place (e.g., a specific city, county, state, etc.) and that you’ve at least started to quantify the problem—i.e., you should provide hard, concrete numbers/statistics to prove that your problem really is a problem, and you should make clear who is affected by it.

Beyond this, you should also make sure that you’ve explained the important “terms of art” that pertain to your problem and that you’ve identified your problem’s central stakeholders or “players,” by which I mean: the main figures, agencies, special interest groups, etc. who hold power and/or influence policies related to the problem.

Please also begin to consider the possible historical causes of the problem, especially as they’ve been identified by experts, scholars, players, journalists, etc. What are some of the historical failures/reasons that the problem exists, and how has it been considered and/or addressed thus far?

Clearly, you won’t be able to do any of the above without first doing a LOT of research—so start reading now! One good way to begin is by exploring “popular” media sources: articles in newspapers like the New York Times and the LA Times as well as slightly longer pieces in magazines like The Atlantic and the New York Review of Books. If there are recent articles in such popular media sources that deal with your problem, these articles will probably be useful to you in explaining to your audience why your problem is urgent and real.

My recommendation is that you also include a first attempt at a “problem-failure thesis,” following our model: “The problem of _______ (term of art) is caused by the failure of _______________ (somebody to do something) which has resulted in ________________ (quantify, give examples of problem).” You will be submitting the first draft of your CP Introduction on Thursday, so the more work you do now, the better!

(Note: this assignment goes hand in hand with the two other assignments for today, i.e., the 3 Books + 3 Articles assignment and the 3 Source Evaluations assignment. You’ll probably find yourself working on all three of these assignments simultaneously, which is a good thing. This is the nature of writing and research, after all: your topic/argument will change as you find more (and better) sources, and in turn, your new topic/argument will cause you to discover sources that relate more directly to your problem!)

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