writing assignment 479
Write a short summary of the article (provided below) and how your selected article demonstrates or represents a term/subject from our readings/notes (submit on day of presentation).
a. Rough Draft by August 6th [write names of both group members on article]
.b. Final Submission: Cover Page with your name(s) and day(s)/time class meets, 1-3 pages long body, double-spaced, stapled (all material, including original article if different from final submission and rough draft), standard font; Grade Sheet (last page).
c. Use In-Text Citation for sources (article and textbook)
d. Written portion will be graded on:
i. Meeting objective/requirements of assignment – 5 points
ii. Grammar/Spelling and Syntax – 5 points
iii. Flow/Clarity – 5 points
iv. Proper citation / Article Approval / Rough Draft – 5 points
e. Be concise/specific; try not to cover too much.