write an essay 3 minimum pages plus bibliography base on emerson self reliance on what is to be a non conformist i pick malala yousafzai
Essay 1
3-5 pages,
What does it mean to be a non-conformist? After your introduction, summarize and
explain Emerson’s view of the individual (or non-conformist) and then provide an example of a famous non-conformist (Malala Yousafzai). Tell your readers a little about your example and how, specifically, he or she meets Emerson’s definition of a non-conformist. In the final paragraphs of your essay, reflect on the value of non-conformity. Why, in your opinion, does it matter for our own personal lives and for social/artistic progress? You may also reference Milgram and his experiment in your discussion of conformity and the value of non-conformity (or disobedience).
Grading Criteria/Requirements:
Has the writer followed directions for the assignment?
Is the paper a minimum of three full pages in MLA format?
Has the writer accurately explained Emerson’s view?
Has the writer included
at least three quotes from Emerson?
Has the writer included accurate information about the example?
Has the writer used the library databases and/or books to find accurate and reliable
sources for the example? Note: you must have at least two different
sources for your example, and only one of them can be a book.
Is all source material integrated and cited properly? (Includes Emerson). Note: any
instance of plagiarism will result in a failing grade on the assignment.
Is the paper organized with an engaging introduction, logically ordered and unified body
paragraphs, transitions, and a reflective concluding paragraph?
Is the writing clear? Has the writer avoided overly wordy or awkward sentences?
Is the paper relatively free from errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation?
Example: Intro- hook.1 General overview of the paper, all major elements. definition of a non conformist because she faced many consequences for her behavior and she changed the way education is in Pakistan…….
Thesis: Malala Yousafzai fits emersons definition of a non conformist because she faced many consequences for her behavior and she changed the way education is in Pakistan…….
2 sumary of emerson ( self reliance page 1-9)
3 Brief bio of the person
4 Examples of non conformity
5 conclusion : value of non conformity