what you believe the goals of a healthcare administrator should be for each of the four types of healthcare organizations listed

Unit 2 Journal


We are looking at professionalism and the setting of goals in healthcare administration in this unit. For this discussion, consider the following healthcare organizations, and address what you believe the goals of a healthcare administrator should be for each of the four types of healthcare organizations listed. Describe the similarities and/or differences that you see in each role: (1) free-standing public health clinic, (2) school of medicine health clinic, (3) religious hospital, and (4) community hospital.

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.


Achievement Level

Level 1: Unsatisfactory

Level 2: Needs Improvement

Level 3: Satisfactory

Level 4: Good

Level 5: Excellent

Depth of Reflection

(100 percent)


Response does not consider the theories, concepts, and/or strategies. Viewpoints and interpretations are unclear. Response does not identify any future learning opportunities.


Response reflects a lack of consideration or personalization of the theories, concepts, and/or strategies. Viewpoints and interpretations may be missing and/or inappropriate. Response demonstrates little to no synthesis of the ideas presented.


Response reflects minimal consideration and personalization of the theories, concepts, and/or strategies presented. Viewpoints and interpretations may have flawed arguments. Response demonstrates some synthesis of the ideas presented.


Response reflects some consideration and personalization of the theories, concepts, and/or strategies presented. Most viewpoints and interpretations may be fairly insightful. Response demonstrates a fair synthesis of the ideas presented.


Response reflects indepth consideration and personalization of the theories, concepts, and/or strategies presented. Viewpoints and interpretations are insightful. Response demonstrates synthesis of ideas presented.

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