what is diversity amp amp responses

Welcome to IDS 400! When we approach discussions about diversity, we each come to conclusions with our own perspectives that have been shaped by our experiences. As we begin our first discussion, take a moment to consider what has influenced your ideas of diversity and compare those ideas with what you read in this module’s readings. Then, address the following:

In your own words, define the term diversity and discuss how it is used or impacts your daily life. How does your definition compare and contrast with those that were presented in the readings?

What is the influence of diversity on your chosen field of study or future profession? How can you use your understanding of diversity in your professional career?

In response to your peers, provide feedback about their definition of diversity. Compare and contrast your answers and consider the following:

What are the similarities and differences between your peer’s response and yours?

How do the two definitions of diversity help to illustrate how diversity and society are intertwined? How can a perspective through the four lenses help to provide a greater understanding of diversity?

Make sure you support your response with the readings from this module, and any additional resources if needed.

Required Resources

Dimensions In Diversity
In this article, Gardenswartz and Rowe outline the dimensions of diversity, with emphasis on the four layers of diversity. As you read this article, consider the following:

  • What are the four layers of diversity? How do aspects of diversity relate and intersect?
  • How can barriers of difference be transcended?

Introduction: Diversity
This article helps lay the groundwork for defining diversity. As you read it, consider the following:

  • How do the authors define diversity?
  • What is the value of having a definition of diversity?
  • How do people’s stories and opinions affect how we interact?
  • In what ways do you agree or disagree with the author’s assessment?

The Four General Education Lenses
This document provides a brief explanation of the lenses through which we will analyze diversity, including links to brief videos that explain the lenses and methods used. As you review this document and watch the videos, consider how each lens intersects when we look at diversity. Further, consider the following:

  • How do these lenses “talk to each other” to address various issues in diversity?
  • How does each lens comment on society as a whole and impact changes within our personal and professional lives?
  • What is the value of analyzing diversity through these varying perspectives?

Peer post 1

Hi Classmates!

My name is Chloe, I hail from the East Coast (New Jersey!) and I am currently working towards my bachelor’s degree in: Fashion Merchandising, Marketing and Retail Management. Say that 10 times fast!

I have always viewed diversity as the unique differences from person to person, whether that be gender, sex, race, income, or geographical location. In the readings, I see that Diversity is defined similarly, and with the “SAGE” reference we even see a diagram of what falls into the four layers of diversity. My favorite way that it was described though was the second reading stating “The word diversity derives from the Latin root diversus, meaning “various.” Thus, human diversity refers to the variety of differences that exist among people who comprise humanity (the human species). The relationship between humanity and human diversity may be viewed as similar to the relationship between sunlight and the spectrum of colors” (Thompson, 2014) I especially like this last sentence here since many things in our daily lives fall on a spectrum, so why not diversity too?

Diversity and society are intertwined deeply if you think about it from another angle, diversity is just the culmination of humans – humans with differences. We all have something to share, something to give, everyone is valuable and diversity is vastly important to understanding how we can begin to include rather than exclude. Perspective through the four lenses help to provide a greater understanding through all of the lenses, but one that I think is the most vital is the lens of the humanities. It is undeniable that the connection between humans and art roots deep, and this connection can further enrich the lives of those involved. Artwork helps to not only summarize the past, present or future but also to get other diverse individuals involved or aware of another culture, race, occasion and so on. I personally believe that there are not enough students taking degrees in the Arts now and that it is slowly losing traction. This worries me since art is such a vital part of human nature, without it many workplaces, hometowns and museums would be vastly boring. I know that this is hypocritical since I am taking a business major, but I also realize why I took this major – not for the merit of others, but for the profit of myself only. This is the sharp difference between humanities and business. One is about expression and the other about financial gain.


Thompson, A., & Cusseo, J. (2014). Introduction: Diversity. In S. Thompson (Ed.), Encyclopedia of diversity and social justice. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. Retrieved from http://ezproxy.snhu.edu/login?url=https://search.credoreference.com/content/entry/rowmandasj/introduction_diversity/0?institutionId=943

Peer post 2

Hello All,

My name is Paula Bogart and I am from Southwest Michigan. I have been an orthopedic nurse for 21 years and am now working on my BSN.

When I hear the word diversity, I think of small things that make each of us different or an individual. I believe that diversity affects us daily. It is diversity that makes us choose our spouse, friends, churches, schools, professions, and even pets. Humans tend to socialize and “hang out” with those who are similar to us, however, when you look at relationships we all bring just a little something different to each of them. Compared to the reading my definition is probably pretty simple but still reflects a lot of the same things. In the reading it told us about all the positive things diversity does and I think that even in relationships where the differences may not be so drastic, we can still learn from each other. With friendships, spouses, or co-workers their differences can make us strive to achieve more, cause us to think differently, or teach us to have more compassion.

Diversity in nursing is extremely important. Research has shown that patients feel more comfortable and confident in the care they receive when their nurse can relate to them culturally or ethically (Hancock, 2017). Nurses have a responsibility to every patient who walks through the doors, regardless of race, socioeconomic status, language, or religion to provide compassionate and equal care. In my personal work environment there is a lot of diversity. I work in an area that has a lot of lower income families and I work in a region that has a lot of field workers that are only here in the summer months and do not speak English. It is extremely important to treat everyone with respect and compassion no matter what my opinions or differences are.

Hancock, Kelly (July 28, 2017). Cleveland Clinic. Growing and Developing a More Diverse Nursing Workforce. Retrieved from www.consultqd.clevelandclinic.org

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