week 8 1 reflection
WEEK 8 DISCUSSION 8.1: ReflectionDiscussion Topic
ANSWER ONE. Answers should be 1-2 full paragraphs. 200+ words
1. REFLECT ON YOUR OWN LEARNING. Please identify and share one of the most meaningful insights you obtained from the course. Use specific information from the course. This insight must be strictly about you.
2. REFLECT ON THE ARTISTIC EXPRESSIONS OF OTHERS. From the many artistic expressions provided in the course (paintings, photographs, videos, links, etc.), choose one that identifies a meaningful experience in the course. Explain why you chose that object and why it is meaningful. Use course concepts to help you. If possible, paste a copy or the link. Imagine that your choice will become a part of a Course Album of Meaningful Objects and your choice will be your contribution to the album.
3. REFLECT ON YOUR POSITION IN THE CAVE. We began this semester talking about Plato’s Allegory of the Cave. How can you use this allegory to discuss your experience of going through this class and your understanding of the Humanities? For instance, are you still chained in the cave watching shadows on the wall? Have you moved outside of the cave? Do you exist in both places now with regards to the Humanities? Do you prefer one place over another? Explain. Use specific info from this course.