the day my life changed
ESSAY 1: The Day My Life Changed
You each have had experiences that changed the way you view the world. In this essay, I want you to tell me about one event that occurred within a twenty-four hour period that changed your life. I want to experience this event as you experienced it, so walk me through it step-by-step. A successful essay will use a combination of the techniques described in Chapter 2 of The St. Martin’s Guide to Writing, such as representations of conversations, active verbs to move the essay along, strong, specific details, and strong story-telling to create a world in which the reader feels what you intend the reader to feel. I also expect to see your world-view changed in some way by the end of the essay.
This essay must be at least three pages long, be set in double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font with one-inch margins,
Note: use my work life as my even