social work visit paper

ORGANIZATION: I will be working with the Children’s Home Society located in Jacksonville, FL. I will be interviewing and working with the social worker named Amanda Nowlin, MSW.


Submit by Day 3, a 4- to 5-page written account of your agency visit. In the paper, address each of the following areas and support your ideas with evidence from course resources and additional research.

  • Describe the agency. Including:
    • Services offered
    • Mission of the agency
    • Clientele or population served
  • Describe the social worker’s job activities and professional roles
  • Explain what brought the social worker to the field and their work history
  • Explain opportunities for advancement and what the social worker does for professional development
  • Describe the social worker’s overall job satisfaction and strategies they use for self-care
  • Analyze your experience. Specifically,
    • Discuss your thoughts and feelings related to the agency, clientele, and type of work.
    • Reflect on why you may have experienced these reactions to the agency, clientele, and type of work.
  • Explain which social work values and ethics were evident (or not evident) during the interview.
  • Explain how social and economic justice relates to the services provided or population served by this agency.
  • Explain how cultural competence was demonstrated (or not demonstrated) within the agency or by the social worker.
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