revising this topic
Response to Neal
Hi Neal,
Thank you for posting your draft. Please consider the following suggestions as you revise your essay for submission as your week two project:
1) In the future, make sure to post your drafts as Microsoft Word attachments.
2) Good work on your introduction and thesis statement.
3) Since your entire essay is an analysis and summary of Appiah’s article, you only need to include in-text citations after direct quotations.
4) Your section on logos actually ends up addressing pathos. Remember pathos appeals are about emotion, but logos appeals involve the use of facts and reason.
5) In your discussions of both pathos and logos, make sure to include direct quotations from the essay that illustrate the use of these appeals.
Please contact me if you have any questions about my comments.
Professor May
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Authored by: Neal Jones
Authored on: Jan 23, 2020 12:36 AM
Subject: ENG1200 M-1 Project Step 1
South University Online
ENG1200 Composition II
M-1 /Week 1 Project/ Step 1
Instructor: Chad May
How the Future Will Judge Us
Appiah’s article, The Future Will Judge Us talks about the practices that we, as a nation, allow, yet we know that they are not morally right. These practices include destroying the environment, industrial processing of meat and mistreatment of animals, putting the elderly in nursing homes, and imprisonments. I am particularly interested in these issues because there is some truth in what Appiah argues about them. Most of these practices we do by suppressing the guilty conscious and reason its best for everyone. Appaih effectively uses ethos, pathos, logic, and emotional appeals to persuade the audience into supporting his argument (Appiah, 2019).
Main points in the article
Appiah argues that some of these practices are unethical and unjust to some extent. On the practice of imprisonment, he argues that the USA holds 4% of the world population yet imprisons 25% of it. Most of these offenders are convicted of drug charges. In prison, they undergo inhuman tortures. He also addresses industrial meat production, where he states that citizens allow animals to suffer so that they can have food in their stomachs. Some animals live in unclean and unhealthy conditions. The elderly is put in nursing homes away from families and forced to live their ewe years in isolation. He also addresses the issue of the environment, whereby people are destroying the environment without minding about tomorrow (Appiah, 2019).
Use of logistic appeals
Appiah uses pathos by targeting the emotions of the audience. He explains how animals are capable of suffering, too. He also describes how his mother had the privilege of spending her last years with a family that cared for her. He uses logic by explaining the facts of the issues. He states that cutting of trees affects the ecology and leads to desertification. People are destroying the earth by overfishing, and pollution. He also uses ethos to convince the audience by showing his credibility. He explains that he is from Ghana, where nursing homes do not exist. Thus, this information about his English mother is probably true (Appiah, 2019).
Use of emotion appeals
In his argument, Appiah specifically uses emotional appeals to capture audience attention. He creates an imaginary picture of what prisoners go through buy stating how they are subjected to sexual assault. He also causes one to imagine how animals go through pain and torture as they are killed, and their meat processed into delicacies. He also creates a mental picture of how a cow suffers when they live in a house full of feces, and the smell of urine Appiah makes one feel guilty when he says that the elderly is “warehoused’ in nursing homes. It makes the audience feel like the elderly are mistreated and treated like baggage when they are taken to family homes (Appiah, 2019).
Appiah’s use of ethos, pathos, logos, and emotion appeals was quite effective in persuading me to agree with him in his claims. The way he uses emotions paints an imaginary picture of the way the four practices have caused suffering to the different groups discussed in the practices. Through his article, he has shown that the use of the three elements ethos, pathos, and logos, a writer is able to effectively persuade an audience to support his argument.
Appiah, K. A. (2019). How the future will judge us. In D. U. Seyler & A. Brizee (Eds.) Read, Reason, and Write an Argument Text and Reader (pp. 511-513). New York: McGraw Hill.