reading response 314

“For this reading response, please read the Scott McCloud comic, “Understanding Genres,” and listen to the Mere Rhetoric podcast, “Genre Theory,” and respond to the following prompt:

In the textbook, Technical Communication Today, author Richard Johnson-Sheehan defines genres as: “patterns that reflect how communities, including people in technical workplaces, get things done.” Perhaps more specifically, though, he adds: “A genre shapes a [writing] project’s content, organization, style, and design, as well as the medium in which it is delivered” (2).

Given what we’ve learned about genres thus far from the McCloud comic and Mere Rhetoric podcast, what do you know about the ways people in your profession* communicate? What genres are important to getting things done? What can you begin to do now, while in college, to help prepare yourself to better communicate in the genres important in your career?”

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