psych 449 a outline draft final paper organizational structures social norms management styles and role expectations are all factors that can influence how people behave within an organization 1


Provide a detailed written outline of your paper. This should include, in outline form:

1. an introductory paragraph that outlines the questions that your paper will address, and how those questions relate to one another.

2. question/idea you are addressing #1, ideas, supporting evidence – citation of paper this info will come from.

3. question/idea you are addressing #2, ideas, supporting evidence – citation of paper this info will come from.

4. question/idea you are addressing #3, ideas, supporting evidence – citation of paper this info will come from.

5. question you are addressing #etc, etc, ideas, supporting evidence – citation of paper this info will come from.

6. Concluding paragraph that outlines the main points of your paper, and poses some questions for future research on the same topic.


Write your first draft of your paper.

Papers should be 5-6 pages in length, double spaced with 1-inch margins.

You should include an abstract of your paper in the beginning.

Please use APA format for in-text citations and your bibliography at the end of the paper.

The clarity of your writing style will be a part of your final grade on your final paper. (But not for this draft). If you suspect you’ll need help, please make an appointment with the psychology writing center now.


Final Paper Rubric

Final Paper Rubric



This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAbstract

Does the abstract clearly lay out what your paper is about? Are the questions which you are addressing in your paper clearly laid out? Is there a natural progression from one question to the next that brings your reader along in a logical fashion?

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent

Are the questions in your paper adequately addressed in the content of your paper? Does it proceed and flow in a logical way or does it jump from one topic to the next with no obvious transition?

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSources

Do you use and cite at least 10 sources in your paper? The majority of these should be from peer-reviewed journal articles, but some may also be from alternative media sources such as the Harvard Business Review (HBR), Bloomberg, Forbed, Fortune, etc

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion

Is there a final paragraph (or two) that review the most interesting/important learnings from your paper? Do you pose questions for future research on your topic?

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality of Writing

Is your writing clear and concise? Does it flow and bring your reader along with your thinking?

Final Paper Rubric (1)

Final Paper Rubric (1)




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAbstract

Does the abstract clearly lay out what your paper is about? Are the questions which you are addressing in your paper clearly laid out? Is there a natural progression from one question to the next that brings your reader along in a logical fashion?

1.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent

Are the questions in your paper adequately addressed in the content of your paper? Does it proceed and flow in a logical way or does it jump from one topic to the next with no obvious transition?

3.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSources

Do you use and cite at least 10 sources in your paper? The majority of these should be from peer-reviewed journal articles, but some may also be from alternative media sources such as the Harvard Business Review (HBR), Bloomberg, Forbed, Fortune, etc

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion

Is there a final paragraph (or two) that review the most interesting/important learnings from your paper? Do you pose questions for future research on your topic?

1.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality of Writing

Is your writing clear and concise? Does it flow and bring your reader along with your thinking?

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUse of feedback from the previous draft

Did you incorporate changes into your final paper based on the feedback you received from your draft?

2.0 pts

Total Points: 11.0

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