phi 205 questions for further reflection

Your submission should be typed. You may either attach a file of the appropriate format OR copy-and-paste your submission into the “Write Submission” portion of the assignment. Do not write in the “Comments” field toward the bottom. Submissions in “Comments” field will be treated as late submissions.a

At the end of Chapter 11 from our textbook are several questions for further reflection. You task for this homework assignment is to answer one of them of the first five. Instructions below:

  1. Chose one and only one question from questions 1 – 5 in “For Further Reflection” on p. 405. Do not choose any from “For Review.” Do not choose 6 or 7.
  2. Answer the question you chose in two solid paragraphs. Your total word count will be at least 100 words. Use a word count tool to check if you’re unsure.
  3. Write in complete, error free sentences. Proofread carefully. Submission will be graded using the general rubric. Your submission will also be analyzed using SafeAssign.

This homework assignment contributes to the following learning outcomes:

  1. develop a sense of appreciation for multiculturalism.
  2. read, write and speak critically and effectively about religious issues.
  3. identify the basic ideas, practices and institutions of five or more different religions

Among others.

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