peer responses 33
1———– The professional journal topic “Preventing and managing catheter-associated urinary tract infections.†Since the Foley catheters were introduced in the 1930s, it has become one of the primary sources of hospital-acquired infections, and long term urinary catheters used in community-based patients account for some 4% of community nurses’ time. This burden is likely to increase given the projected rise in life expectancy and the size of the aging population. This article considers the current literature around indwelling urinary catheterization and its management with a focus on long term catheterization in the community. My choice is the best option for disseminating new knowledge because “the authors discuss contemporary strategies to manage or prevent CAUTI that based on best practice guidelines.†However, it is clear from the dearth of empirical evidence that there is an urgent need to establish constructed research studies to investigate the prevalence of long term urinary catheterization in the community and the prevention and management of CAUTI.
The next topic nursing health conference journal topic is “Reducing catheter-associated urinary tract infections†As this piece states “Catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) are the most frequent type of healthcare-acquired infection, accounting for up to 80% of hospital-acquired infections. CAUTIs can lengthen hospital stays, increase morbidity and mortality, and raise healthcare costs. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services no longer reimburses hospitals for additional costs generated by CAUTIs. My choice is the best option for disseminating new knowledge because this article reports on a pilot study of an evidence-based intervention to reduce CAUTIs.
2————- In order to disseminate evidence-based practice and research on SBIRT (screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment), this nurse would like to inform other nurses by writing an article for a nursing journal, for example, the American Journal of Nursing (AJN). Sharing evidence-based research can help others improve SBIRT in their practice by sharing workflows and best practices. Nursing journals are read by many nurses online and many receive subscriptions to journals like AJN. In order to disseminate research, the nurse wants to share it with as many nurses as possible, and nurses from different disciplines read nursing journals. The American Journal of Nursing is well-known, peer-reviewed, and discusses the latest information on nursing practice. Sharing information helps improve nursing practice and patient care. SBIRT can be used in any practice and substance abuse impacts many patients, so this topic can benefit any nurse.
According to Christenbery & Latham (2013), “… an abstract, poster, and podium presentation can be used to support the translation of nursing evidence into effective nursing practice†(p. 22). For example, this nurse could share her project at an Indian Health Service (IHS) conference that is dedicated to educating other Native American clinics on best practices for GPRA (Government Performance Results Act). Key leaders of IHS would need to be contacted in order to present at the next IHS conference. Sometimes best practices are shared in a webinar, which can be more cost effective for some clinics because staff do not have to travel. Facilities, who have done well meeting GPRA indicators, can share workflows and best practices with other Indian Health clinics in this way. “Instead of independently exploring evidence, nurse leaders can utilize evidence-based recommendations from clinical practice guidelines and tailor them to the organization, population, or setting†(Cullen, Dawson, Hanrahan, & Dole, 2014, p. 288). Using evidence-based practices that work will save a facility time and money because staff members do not have to do the research, they just need to make a few changes so that the new practice fits into their workflow.
3—-In dissemination of my change project, I will focus on the journal that will reach and target a bigger audience. Pressure of ulcers is easily preventable yet, the problem remains a major concern in healthcare facility. As a result, I opt to use the Nursing Research and Practice Journal. The journal is majorly in used in the publication of the nursing researches as well as practices. Also, this is an open access journal which has a great probability of making the journal available to a large audience addressed in the change project (Nursing Research and Practice, 2019).
Furthermore, publishing my research using this journal is important since the whole columns of the publications in this journal are read by a great percentage of the population. The publications in this journal are not comprehensive in terms of the number of pages which makes them suitable to be read by even those people who are in a hurry. Pressure of ulcers is as result of insufficient information to address the problem, capitalizing on dissemination of information to the general public will increase the likelihood of addressing the patients or patient’s family hence, preventing escalating levels of pressure of ulcers (Cai, Rahman, & Intrator, 2014).
My opted healthcare conference is the World Nursing and Health Care Conference the conference is offered in an international venue and is universally identified as one among the most inventive and knowledge-intensive areas in universe and a top provider of products and solutions in vital segments like ICT, Cleantech, and Life Science (The conference, 2017).
4———–Evidence-based practice (EBP) is the conscientious and judicious use of current best evidence in conjunction with clinical expertise and patient values to guide health care decisions. According to the authors of the book Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare, the movement of healthcare organizations to involve nurses in decision-making has prompted employers to seek a larger percentage of employees who have furthered their education and earned a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree. Also, “as healthcare evolves to meet changing market dynamics, evidence-based practice in nursing, which is taught in baccalaureate programs, has become a key component in improving patient care and outcomes†(Melnyk, & Fineout-Overholt, (Eds.), 2014).
Therefore, EBP is an essential component of the practice of a BSN-prepared RN for many reasons among them being a decrease in the cost of healthcare and reduction of medical errors experienced across diverse healthcare facility around the country.
Although EBP is associated with significant clinical practice, there are barriers which hinders its implementation in the healthcare facility. One barrier I have personally noted in the implementation of EBP is the time taken to implement and cause change within the facility. In this case, EBP is time consuming and what is more, there might be less evidence to support the change. This can be a challenge as most of the management might not support the EBP (Hanberg, & Brown, 2016). Lack of management support is a great impediment that can demotivate the nurses to complete EBP. However, involving the management in the EBP implementation process can greatly help in involving them in the change proposal.