online optional course topic is diversity and global leadership

The Basics

Our society, past and present, has produced strong and definitive leaders. Using online and/or print resources research information on a person of your choice. (Note: Wikipedia is not an appropriate website to use for this assignment) These individuals can be significant to history, pop-culture, sports, religion, politics, etc. Although you may have leaders who you know personally, DO NOT use these people as this should be a research based assignment.

Assignment Requirements

  • For this assignment you will need to have the course textbook as you will need to make connections back to the text with specific information to support your ideas.
  • This assignment must follow APA formatting and citations guidelines (See Cites and Sources, APA style guide OR visit the Library website for APA styling information). You will need a properly formatted cover page, running head, page numbers, indented paragraphs, in-text citations, and a reference list at the end of the assignment.
  • This assignment must be submitted to the appropriate assignment submission link by the Sunday at 11:59 PM on the week the assignment is due. Late submissions will not be accepted without written documentation.
  • Please let me know if you have any questions about the assignment instructions or requirements well before the deadline so I have time to assist.

Connections to Learning Outcomes

GNED 1011 –Developing Leadership has a variety of learning outcomes that students will be evaluated on throughout the course. These outcomes have been developed by the College for this course. This assignment relates to the following Learning Outcomes listed in the course outline:

  • Explain leadership styles, practices, knowledge, and skills.
  • Explore contemporary leadership from a Canadian and global perspective.

How will I do this assignment?

For this assignment you will create a written report using the information below to guide your research and writing. For this assignment you must use a minimum of 3 secondary sources for your information (example: books, news articles, websites, videos, etc.). You will also use the course textbook for a portion of the assignment. This DOES NOT count as one of the secondary sources you should use for the assignment.

Your assignment should be broken down into the following sections (use headings for each part of the assignment):

PART A: Background (10 marks)

  • Please write a full page double-spaced MINIMUM on the background of your selected leader. There will likely be A LOT of information – focus on the most significant.
  • The goal in this section is to introduce the leader and offer a brief idea of how they have shown leadership in their life – you will expand on this in the next part of the assignment.
  • Conduct research using a minimum of 3 secondary sources (online and/or print resources) on your leader of choice – Wikipedia is NOT an appropriate source and will result in a loss of marks on the assignment. As you develop your response, you should not rely on a single source – blend information together from multiple sources.
  • Useful information might be:
    • General biographical information: birth/death, early life, family, education, career, significant events.
    • Events/experiences that had an impact on their lives and lead to their accomplishments.
    • Information about their career overall (challenges, successes, and/or changes).
    • Work outside of their typical “job” – charity work, volunteerism, etc.
    • Significance of achievements (how did/does this person’s achievements contribute to society)
    • Etc……

PART B: Connections to the Practices (15 marks = 5 marks x 3 practices)

  • ½ – ¾ Page double spaced for each practice minimum
  • Use headings to identify which practice you are referring to (Model the Way, Inspire a Shared Vision, etc.)
  • Select THREE of the five practices outlined in the course text and explain how your leader conforms to the selected practices.
  • Use SPECIFIC EXAMPLES from the leader’s life that you have found in your research and create connections to specific leadership BEHAVIOURS outlined in the practices (See textbook intro video in Week 1 folder for a discussion on the differences between Practices, Commitments, and BEHAVIOURS). These connections will act as proof of how your leader conforms to the practices. Please ensure your connections are clear and specific with proper citations to research and to pages in the course text.
  • Your connections to the Practices should be from within the relevant section of the text.

PART C: Reflection (10 marks)

  • A full page double spaced MINIMUM
  • Describe why you personally think this individual is a good leader. Please be specific.
  • Describe what you have learned about leadership in general based your review of their life.
  • Use the first person (I, me, etc.) for this section as it should be a personal reflection.

PART D: Writing Mechanics and APA Style (5 marks)

  • ALL SOURCES should be cited using proper APA rules – reference entries and in text citations for information from the text AND other sources used in your assignment. Please include page numbers for citations from the course text, ie. (Kouzes & Posner, 2014, p. 130)
  • Marks will be deducted for errors related to APA and Writing Mechanics – there are no marking criteria for this section.
  • Failure to properly cite information may be considered plagiarism/academic misconduct and will be enforced!

and there is a video about this assignment,

Textbook link

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