olafur eliasson

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The Paper: artist Olafur Eliasson

For the final paper, you will investigate a contemporary artist’s practice, examine at least 2 different artworks/projects by that artist and develop an argumentative essay about that artist’s practice (overall body of work and career).

Your paper must have an argument. Possible arguments could address the following: the overall themes/meaning of the artist’s work, the significance of the artist’s practice, the work’s relationship to a larger context (the art world, current events, social issues, history etc.), and/or significant changes within the artist’s own practice etc. The exact claim you make is up to you. It should be specific, arguable (rather than self-evident or universally agreed upon), and realistic in scope (i.e. would not require a 20-page paper to prove). The thesis will summarize your overall argument.Research and the artworks you analyze should support your overall argument.

The paper should have an introduction with a thesis, body paragraphs and a conclusion.

Formatting Requirements:

12pt., Times New Roman. Double-spaced.3-4 pages of writing, 1 inch margins

You must include images of the work of art you are referencing, at the end of your paper. Use figure numbers to reference your images (example: (Fig. 1)).

You may use Chicago Style or MLA.


MLA https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01…

Use appropriate citation, either footnotes/endnotes (Chicago Style) or parenthetical citations (MLA)

Include a bibliography/works cited with a minimum of three sources.

The order of your final paper should be:

1. Title page

2. Essay (3-4 pages with citations)

3. Bibliography – 3-5 sources (NOT annotated)

4. Images (in color)


Research is a large component of this assignment. I recommend going to the library to assist in your research; reference librarians are happy to help you sift through your research and find quality sources. You will need 3-5 sources that you actively quote and/or paraphrase from, and are listed in your Bibliography/Works Cited.

For this project, you will be using only academic sources. While Wikipedia can be a quick tool to look up something unfamiliar, it cannot be used as a source. NO RANDOM WEBSITES! The ONLY websites permitted are websites associated with major art or academic institutions, such as museums, galleries, universities, art publications and the artist’s own website. For example, essays on the Art Forum, the Art Institute of Chicago and Yale University’s websites are good, Dave’s Art Blog, Buzzfeed, FOX News etc. are NOT.

NursesHomeworkHelp.com places a strong emphasis on delivering high-quality work that meets and exceeds academic standards. The company is committed to upholding excellence in every aspect of their service. The writers at NursesHomeworkHelp conduct thorough research, ensuring that assignments are well-informed and grounded in evidence-based practice. Moreover, they adhere to academic conventions, including proper referencing and citation, to ensure the integrity and credibility of the work. By consistently maintaining high-quality standards, NursesHomeworkHelp enables nursing students to excel academically and develop the necessary skills for their future careers.

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