no topic just answer the question 2
Choose two works, from different artists, from the media presentations that you would like to discuss/compare contrast. You will want to drag both still shots of the works to your desktop or do a Google image search of the works and save them to your desktop.
In an MS Word document you will want to include both images (1 MB each max). For each chosen image and under each image you should research and write about the following:
- The title of the work and the artist. (Titles of artworks are capitalized and always italicized)
- Describe what you see in the artworks that you can name. If you see un-namable shapes or objects (abstract objects), describe their colors, line quality, texture, shadows, variety, etc.
- Which Essential Element or Principle of Art is most obvious to you in each work? (The LISTEN: If you opted for a textbook the content area for understanding the Elements and Principles of Art is there as well as online for free here (Links to an external site.).)
- What are the mediums the artists use? (Painting, sculpture, installation, video, photography, ceramics etc.?)
- According to the artist or expert talking, what is the meaning of the artwork?
- Which element or principle of art do you see that the artist uses to help convey that interpretation?
- Compare and contrast one element or principle in the 2 artworks you chose – how are they similar? How are they different?
- What changed in your understanding of each artwork after your observation and analysis?
The two images that i chose is attached here.