mth 218 statistics ii health services and nursing scenario 1

Create three visuals in Excel that include the following:

1. Box-and-Whisker Plot

Summary of visual: Combine yearly data for age ranges so that your visual has age ranges on the vertical axis and the number of patients or inmates on the horizontal axis. There should be one box-and-whisker plot for each of the 4 age ranges, and all 4 of the plots should be on the same visual chart. Include a descriptive title for the visual. Some of the data provided is not needed. Only include data from the location requested in the scenario. The calculations for this visual should be produced from the Five Number Summary, the Outlier Check, and the Boxes stacked Bar chart tables in the Excel® file for the topic you chose.

Five Number Summary: Fill out the Five Number Summary table in the Excel® file for the topic you chose.

Outlier Check: Fill out the Outlier Check table in the Excel® file for the topic you chose. Include the outliers in the box-and-whisker plots.

Boxes stacked Bar chart: Fill out the Boxes stacked Bar chart table in the Excel® file for the topic you chose.

2. Histogram

Summary of visual: Similar to the Box-and-Whisker Plot, combine yearly data for age ranges so that your visual has age ranges on the vertical axis and the number of patients or inmates on the horizontal axis. Include a descriptive title for the visual. Some of the data provided is not needed. Only include data from the location requested in the scenario. The calculations for this visual should be produced from the Frequency Table for Histogram in the Excel® file for the topic you chose.

Frequency Table for Histogram: Fill out the Frequency Table for Histogram in the Excel® file for the topic you chose. This requires manual calculations to add up the total patients or inmates for each age range from the data given in the scenario.

3. Scatterplot

Summary of visual: Unlike the Box-and-Whisker Plot and the Histogram, this visual requires that you combine age range data for each year so that your visual has total patients or inmates on the vertical axis and the year on the horizontal axis. Include a descriptive title for the visual. Some of the data provided is not needed. Only include data from the location requested in the scenario. The calculations for this visual should be produced from the Frequency Table for XY Scatterplot in the Excel® file for the topic you chose.

Frequency table for XY Scatterplot: Fill out the Frequency table in the Excel® file for the topic you chose. This requires manual calculations to add up the total patients or inmates per year from the data given in the scenario.

Trend line: A linear trend line (regression) must be present in the visual including the equation and the R2 value. The trend line must extend for at least 3 years in the future to make a prediction.

Create a Word document that includes the following items:

Title of your project and the scenario you are addressing

Brief description of your visuals (15 to 50 words)

Box-and-whisker plot: Describe the central tendency and outliers of the values. What does this information tell you about the data and about your project? (100 to 150 words)

Histogram: Describe the shape of the plot and the spread of the numbers. How is this visual useful compared to the Box-and-whisker plot? (50 to 150 words)

Scatterplot: How is this visual useful compared to the Box-and-whisker plot and the histogram? What is the prediction/forecast for the trend line for 3 years in the future? How confident are you in the prediction/forecast for 3 years in the future? State your prediction and provide justification. (50 to 150 words)

Part 2

Create a 5- to 7-minute presentation with speaker notes for each slide that must include:

Introduction (approximately 1 minute):

Introduce your topic and scenario.

What should the audience learn from your presentation?

Visuals/Evidence (approximately 4 to 5 minutes):

Show your tables, visuals, calculations, and any other evidence to support your conclusion(s).

Discuss the strengths of each visual.

Conclusion (approximately 1 minute)

Summarize your scenario and discuss how your visuals and analysis address what you are asked to do in the scenario.

How confident are you that your scatterplot prediction for 3 years in the future is sound?

What work would need to be done to increase your confidence?

Discuss what you learned from this project.

Include detailed speaker notes for each slide.

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