moods and emotions

With this assignment students will evaluate the importance of individual moods and emotions in the workplace.

  • Learn more about yourself! Go to There you will find a variety of personality tests such as “Are you a Type A?”, the “Stress O Meter,” and other IQ and personality tests. Most are free and often fun to take. Take two or three of your choice. Print the results you get on yourself and bring them to class where we will discuss the validity of your findings.
  • What is EQ? Visit the Internet’s leading site on EQ: There you will find a wide variety of resources to assist you in researching this interesting topic.

Please write 2 pages and use 3 scholarly peer reviewed sources on the following:

Bring five new facts you learned from at least two of the above websites into your analysis of your moods and emotions in the workplace. How will you apply this new learning?

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