middle ages 1
The fall of the the western Roman Empire and invasions of “barbarians” left Europe in a decentralized and often chaotic condition for several centuries. (Hence, note the word “order” appears in both chapters 7 and 8 of your textbook.) Once-great Roman cities–those marvels of planning, engineering, and economic vibrancy–quickly depopulated and fell into decay as European life became more rural, illiterate, and local in orientation. (Most Europeans throughout the early Middle Ages, the vast majority being peasants, never traveled more than seven miles beyond the place of their birth.) Rome itself, which had once boasted a population of over a million, declined to perhaps as few as 50,000 inhabitants. Many large structures such as the Colosseum and aqueducts, now unmaintained and unprotected, were scavenged by remaining residents, speeding their status as “ruins.”
In the absence of state protection and economic organization, Europeans sought physical and economic security at a more local level. Over time, this led to a complex set of political and social relationships that later historians would call “feudalism.” Among its chief characteristics was hierarchy and obligation, which in time came to be seen and promoted as “natural” and God-ordained self-evident. (Consider how contrary this “self-evident” view is from the one later asserted in the American Declaration of Independence that “all men are created equal.”)
In preparation for this week’s discussion, read the assigned textbook pages and watch carefully the video lecture (Feudalism and European Society) linked under this module’s “Resources.”
The video content is nothing more than a college classroom lecture (c. 35 minutes). But fear not! The material is excellent and I think you will find it increasingly compelling and thought-provoking. Among other things, the professor does an excellent job of clarifying how feudal “government” differs from traditional state government and why it continues in some form through history.
Based on your reading and viewing, address the following questions.
What general conditions led to the development of feudalism in medieval Europe? (In other words, what problems did it seek to solve?)
In what ways did feudalism try to create order, but also helped perpetuate disorder?
What were the main features of European feudalism and how did they differ from government under a state?
What do you find the most interesting or helpful idea from the video lecture and why?