managing technology teams business

Use the APA template and course syllabus in Blackboard to create an outline with headings and subheadings, draft content for the first half of the Final Group Project paper, with a group-compiled mindmap in Appendix A, and a reference section.

Study the Final Group Project Paper in the syllabus and focus on the following areas. Each area should have at least two paragraphs in each section of the following:

  • Case Study Summary (include group estimated cost-benefit implications)
  • Industry & Cultural Research around Case Study
    • Industry context – pick possible business and study competitive landscape
    • Cultural contexts (e.g. age, gender, nationality)

Appendix A: Post Mind Maps

Individual members of the class should do research and create at least one mind map. The group will compile the mind maps and insert them in Appendix A of the paper draft. Look for research in the following content areas:
i. Technology Leadership
ii. Virtual Teamwork
iii. Cultural Values & Communication

The mind map should identify concepts from the articles and tie them together with your personal insight. Use a screen capture tool (e.g. Windows Snipping tool, MAC Command-Shift-4, keyboard PrtSc button, MAC Grab tool, etc.) to copy and paste your mind map into the MSWord file from your article summaries.

Along with the mind map draft, this paper should begin to include a paragraph narrative description of each article, including a connection to ideas for a final group project in draft form (no required length). References should include scholarly references only (at this stage). Utilize instructor, peers, and librarians as needed in your search process. You will be assessed on your thoughtful use of resources (e.g. narrative description of references and/or citation in mindmap) and evidence of depth in thinking. Emphasis will be on providing feedback to improve on future drafts. You will be assessed on your grammar or fluency, but future drafts may affect grading.

A sample mind map is included in this week’s resources.

  • Checking for Academic Integrity – Look at drafts of your assignment prior to the deadline.
  • Use this opportunity to check for academic integrity issues prior to submitting your Final version. Fix missing citations and strive to have less than 20% as direct quotes.
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