major assignment 2 final paper
To prepare for this Assignment:
- Review the social change articles found in this week’s Learning Resources.
Part 4: Trustworthiness and Summary
- Trustworthiness—summarize across the different data sources and respond to the following:
- What themes are in common?
- What sources have different themes?
- Explain the trustworthiness of your findings, in terms of:
- Credibility
- Transferability
- Dependability strategies
- Confirmability
- Based on the results of your analyses, how would you answer the question: “What is the meaning of social change for Walden graduate students?â€
- Self-Reflection—Has your own understanding of you as a positive social change agent changed? Explain your reasoning.
- Based on your review of the three articles on social change, which one is aligned with your interests regarding social change and why?
NOTE 4 – Cite all sections. Connect everything to the readings.
NOTE 5 – All paragraphs will be at least four substantive and relevant sentences.
NOTE 6 – Paper should be no less than 14 pages, plus the title and references pages.
NOTE 7 – HEADINGS (do not blend/merge/omit headings; list them in the order presented below; you can add additional headings/subheadings relevant to your subject matter)
NOTE 8 – I recommend that the first thing you do is copy-and-paste the below heading structure to a blank document, then fill in each section with relevant, cited content. When done, delete the various heading instructions (but not the headings and subheadings)
Major Assignment #2
Introduction (include introductory paragraph to this section)
Background Statement ( introductory paragraph under this main heading, then 2 pages or more, including all of the below subheadings)
Social Change as a Social Issue
Social Change as Research Problem
Research Gap (your research project gap; cite this – who says that this is a gap to be studied?)
Purpose Statement (research purpose statement that includes social change considerations. Two paragraphs.)
Researcher Role (include introductory paragraph to this main heading. Section should be at least two full pages to include the below subheadings.)
The Experience (based on your memos, field notes, and other experiences)
My Role (your role as a researcher in this proposed study)
Ethical Issues (related to this proposed study)
Results (include introductory paragraph to this heading. Section should be at least three full pages to include the below subheadings.)
Data Sources
Social Change Website
Who and Date (if known; if not known, state so)
Previous Use Info (if known; if not known, state so)
Appropriateness (appropriateness of your data collection choices for this methodology and research goals)
Data Analysis
Process (intro paragraph)
1st Cycle – codes
2nd Cycle – categories
Trustworthiness (include introductory paragraph to this section. Section should be at least three full pages to include below subheadings.)
Themes in Common (from all the sources your used for this project)
Theme Differences (from the sources you used for this project)
Credibility (in general, and related to this study)
Transferability (in general, and related to this study)
Dependability Strategies (in general, and related to this study)
Confirmability (in general, and related to this study)
Summary (include introductory paragraph to this section. Section should be at least two full pages to include the below subheadings.)
Social Change
Social Change Article Alignment
References (combine all the references, for each of the parts you have been working on each week, into one references page)
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need additional clarification. Just post your questions in the ‘Contact the Instructor’ forum.
Please follow direction and use the subheading
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