jesus christ meaning and purpose 1


I have hw about :

Jesus Christ meaning and purpose (163-183; 187-201

Essay Read John 9-12

ASSIGNMENT 1: Jesus is identified as the creator in the “high christology” presented in such passages as Colossians 1:15-20, Hebrews 1:1-3, ad John 1:-5. Study these verses carefully. What are the reasons for assigning this divine work to Jesus? How do statements like this relate to such Old Testament texts as Gen 1:1 and Psalms 33:3,9. Write a 2-3 paper answer the above question.


it should be from the book I upload the pics


Discussion: What is the significance of the fact that the four Gospels stand at the beginning of the New Testament? Why do you suppose Matthew comes first? Make sure you respond to 2 of your classmate’s responses during the week.


it should be short paragraph


Discussion: Officially, Seventh-day Adventists do no attach religious significance to the traditional Christian holiday of Christmas and Easter. Why is this so? In your view, is this attitude toward these holidays good or bad? Make sure you respond to 2 of your classmate’s responses during the week.


it should be short paragraph



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