individual resistance to change case assignment
Module 2 – Case
Individual Resistance to Change
Case Assignment
Read the following case study:
Nelsen, B. J., & Valadez, M. S. (2012). Resistance to technological change: The case of the unused calculators. Journal of Case Studies, 30(2), 14-20. Retrieved from EBSCO—Business Source Complete.
Then, in a well-written 5- to 6-page paper, please respond to the following:
Part One: Briefly summarize the circumstances confronting Ms. Figueroa in her quest to have the calculators widely used at the ASD?
Part Two: Identify the key individuals (stakeholder groups) in the unused calculator case, and discuss the extent to which each stakeholder is resistant to change (i.e., is amenable to use of the technology). How might the different perspectives of each of the major stakeholders in this case have come together to further increase the overall resistance to change at the ASD?
Part Three: Using the background readings, what factors—other than the technology itself—do you believe contributed to the resistance to change on the part of each of the major stakeholders you have identified in Item #2 above (mistrust, fear, loss of job security)?
Part Four: Conclude your paper by commenting on the following: Is it possible that Ms. Figueroa can resolve this situation such that the calculators can be used at the ASD? Or is the resistance to change at the ASD now impossible to overcome? Be sure to explain your reasoning.
The following articles may be helpful to you in completion of the Module 2 Case:
Unicorn HRO. (2016, June 7). Handling resistance to technological change in the workforce. Unicorn HRO. Retrieved from
Quast, L. (2012, Nov 26). Overcome the 5 main reasons people resist change. Forbes. Retrieved from
Assignment Expectations
- Your paper must be at least 5–6 pages in length.
- Be sure that you incorporate sources found at the Background page into your written analysis.
- Be sure that you properly cite all sources used in your paper (APA Style) in-text and in your end referencing.