i need these questions to be solved


  1. Use the following link to view the TED Talk How to speak so that people want to listen by Julian Treasurehttps://youtu.be/eIho2S0ZahIWhile viewing the video think about the following items and give your thoughts – Discuss 2 of vocal techniques did the speaker described & how they were used – Discuss the way the speaker used interaction with the audience and your thought on how well it worked to convey his message


  1. Use the following link to view the TED Talk How to sound smart in your TEDx Talk by Will Stephenhttps://youtu.be/8S0FDjFBj8oWhile viewing the video think about the following items and give your thoughts about them as your answer – What is the main point of the talk as stated by the speaker? – What is the actual point of the talk? – Describe 3 things that the speaker did to help you understand the actual point of the talk


    1. Use the following link to view the TED Talk 5 public speaking tips from TEDxPortland speaker coach https://youtu.be/80UVjkcxGmAWhile viewing the video think about the following items and give your thoughts about them as your answer – Describe 2of the 5 tips for public speaking ?


    1. Use the following link to view the TED Talk TED’s secret to great public speaking by Chris Andersonhttps://youtu.be/-FOCpMAww28While viewing the video think of the following questions and then give your thoughts about them in the answer. – Describe 2 of the speakers points that you find potentially useful in improving your public speaking
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