health psychology annotated bibliography

Health Psychology Annotated Bibliography

Instructions and Grading Rubric

Please find three (3) journal articles related to health psychology to comprise an annotated bibliography that includes three annotations. Information and instructions for completing annotated bibliographies, along with examples, are contained in a document published by Purdue OWL. Please note the following when completing your annotations:

  1. You must use APA style
  2. You must include three (3) annotations (one annotation per journal article)
    1. All annotations must be from scientific journals
    2. Your annotations must be research articles (i.e., describe an original research study).
    3. Your annotations must reflect articles published within the past ten years.
    4. You must include the articles with your submission
  3. Your annotations must summarize, assess, and reflect (see Purdue OWL document)
  4. Your annotated bibliography must be typed and double-spaced with one-inch margins
  5. While there is no specific page limit on each annotation, the annotations must fully meet each rubric requirement. Full credit will only be awarded for thoughtful and accurate responses. (1-2 pages per annotation are usually an indication of a well-considered response.)
  6. Your annotated bibliography is due no later than Sunday, July 7, 2019.
Video resources to help polish your annotation skills. These are highly recommended viewing. They are short (3-9 min) but powerful.
Play media comment. Play media comment.
Play media comment. Play media comment.

Grading Rubric




Annotation 1:APA style citation

Full Marks = APA citation with < 3 errors

0.1 pts

No Marks= not APA style or 3 + errors

0.0 pts

0.1 pts

Annotation 1: From scientific journal

Full Marks = Article from a scientific journal

0.1 pts

No Marks = Article from any other source

0.0 pts

0.1 pts

Annotation 1: Current (within 10 years)

Full Marks = Article published within 10 years

0.1 pts

No Marks = Article not within 10 years

0.0 pts

0.1 pts

Annotation 1: Summarizes

Full Marks = Annotation includes accurate and comprehensive, yet succinct, summary that describes the purpose of the article and the findings

1.0 pts

.6 credit = Annotation is lacking important details or contains inaccuracies in its summary

0.6 pts

.3 credit = Annotation does not accurately describe the purpose of the article and/or the findings

0.3 pts

No Marks = Summary not included or is plagiarized

0.0 pts

1.0 pts

Annotation 1: Assesses

Full Marks = Annotation includes an evaluation of the article including answers to at three of the following questions: Is it a useful source? How does it compare with other sources in your bibliography? Is the information reliable? Is this source biased or objective? What is the goal of this source?

1.0 pts

.6 credit = Annotation includes an evaluation of the article but includes answers to only two of the questions outlined above.

0.6 pts

.3 credit = Annotation includes an evaluation of the article but includes answers to only one of the questions outlined above.

0.3 pts

No Marks = Annotation does not include an evaluation of the article.

0.0 pts

1.0 pts

Annotation 1: Reflects

Full Marks = Annotation includes reflection including answers to all three of the following questions: How does the article fit into your overall research on the topic? Was this source helpful to you with regard to increasing your understanding of the topic? How did the source confirm or change how you think about the topic?

1.0 pts

.6 credit = Annotation includes reflection including answers to at least two of the questions outlined above.

0.6 pts

.3 credit = Annotation includes reflection including answers to at least one of the questions outlined above.

0.3 pts

No Marks = Annotation does not include reflection.

0.0 pts

1.0 pts

Annotation 2: APA style citation

Full Marks = APA citation with < 3 errors

0.1 pts

No Marks= not APA style or 3 + errors

0.0 pts

0.1 pts

Annotation 2: From scientific journal

Full Marks = Article from a scientific journal

0.1 pts

No Marks = Article from any other source

0.0 pts

0.1 pts

Annotation 2: Current (within 10 years)

Full Marks = Article published within 10 years

0.1 pts

No Marks = Article not within 10 years

0.0 pts

0.1 pts

Annotation 2: Summarizes

Full Marks = Annotation includes accurate and comprehensive, yet succinct, summary that describes the purpose of the article and the findings

1.0 pts

.6 credit = Annotation is lacking important details or contains inaccuracies in its summary

0.6 pts

.3 credit = Annotation does not accurately describe the purpose of the article and/or the findings

0.3 pts

No Marks = Summary not included or is plagiarized

0.0 pts

1.0 pts

Annotation 2: Assesses

Full Marks = Annotation includes an evaluation of the article including answers to at three of the following questions: Is it a useful source? How does it compare with other sources in your bibliography? Is the information reliable? Is this source biased or objective? What is the goal of this source?

1.0 pts

.6 credit = Annotation includes an evaluation of the article but includes answers to only two of the questions outlined above.

0.6 pts

.3 credit = Annotation includes an evaluation of the article but includes answers to only one of the questions outlined above.

0.3 pts

No Marks = Annotation does not include an evaluation of the article.

0.0 pts

1.0 pts

Annotation 2: Reflects

Full Marks = Annotation includes reflection including answers to all three of the following questions: How does the article fit into your overall research on the topic? Was this source helpful to you with regard to increasing your understanding of the topic? How did the source confirm or change how you think about the topic?

1.0 pts

.6 credit = Annotation includes reflection including answers to at least two of the questions outlined above.

0.6 pts

.3 credit = Annotation includes reflection including answers to at least one of the questions outlined above.

0.3 pts

No Marks = Annotation does not include reflection.

0.0 pts

1.0 pts

Annotation 3: APA style citation

Full Marks = APA citation with no errors

0.2 pts

.1 credit = APA style citation with 1-2 errors

0.1 pts

No Marks= not APA style or 3 + errors

0.0 pts

0.2 pts

Annotation 3: From scientific journal

Full Marks = Article from a scientific journal

0.1 pts

No Marks = Article from any other source

0.0 pts

0.1 pts

Annotation 3: Current (within 10 years)

Full Marks = Article published within 10 years

0.1 pts

No Marks = Article not within 10 years

0.0 pts

0.1 pts

Annotation 3: Summarizes

Full Marks = Annotation includes accurate and comprehensive, yet succinct, summary that describes the purpose of the article and the findings

1.0 pts

.6 credit = Annotation is lacking important details or contains inaccuracies in its summary

0.6 pts

.3 credit = Annotation does not accurately describe the purpose of the article and/or the findings

0.3 pts

No Marks = Summary not included or is plagiarized

0.0 pts

1.0 pts

Annotation 3: Assesses

Full Marks = Annotation includes an evaluation of the article including answers to at three of the following questions: Is it a useful source? How does it compare with other sources in your bibliography? Is the information reliable? Is this source biased or objective? What is the goal of this source?

1.0 pts

.6 credit = Annotation includes an evaluation of the article but includes answers to only two of the questions outlined above.

0.6 pts

.3 credit = Annotation includes an evaluation of the article but includes answers to only one of the questions outlined above.

0.3 pts

No Marks = Annotation does not include an evaluation of the article.

0.0 pts

1.0 pts

Annotation 3: Reflects

Full Marks = Annotation includes reflection including answers to all three of the following questions: How does the article fit into your overall research on the topic? Was this source helpful to you with regard to increasing your understanding of the topic? How did the source confirm or change how you think about the topic?

1.0 pts

.6 credit = Annotation includes reflection including answers to at least two of the questions outlined above.

0.6 pts

.3 credit = Annotation includes reflection including answers to at least one of the questions outlined above.

0.3 pts

No Marks = Annotation does not include reflection.

0.0 pts

1.0 pts

Total Points: 10.0


Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnnotation 1:APA style citation

0.1 pts

Full Marks = APA citation with < 3 errors

0.0 pts

No Marks= not APA style or 3 + errors

0.1 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnnotation 1: From scientific journal

0.1 pts

Full Marks = Article from a scientific journal

0.0 pts

No Marks = Article from any other source

0.1 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnnotation 1: Current (within 10 years)

0.1 pts

Full Marks = Article published within 10 years

0.0 pts

No Marks = Article not within 10 years

0.1 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnnotation 1: Summarizes

1.0 pts

Full Marks = Annotation includes accurate and comprehensive, yet succinct, summary that describes the purpose of the article and the findings

0.6 pts

.6 credit = Annotation is lacking important details or contains inaccuracies in its summary

0.3 pts

.3 credit = Annotation does not accurately describe the purpose of the article and/or the findings

0.0 pts

No Marks = Summary not included or is plagiarized

1.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnnotation 1: Assesses

1.0 pts

Full Marks = Annotation includes an evaluation of the article including answers to at three of the following questions: Is it a useful source? How does it compare with other sources in your bibliography? Is the information reliable? Is this source biased or objective? What is the goal of this source?

0.6 pts

.6 credit = Annotation includes an evaluation of the article but includes answers to only two of the questions outlined above.

0.3 pts

.3 credit = Annotation includes an evaluation of the article but includes answers to only one of the questions outlined above.

0.0 pts

No Marks = Annotation does not include an evaluation of the article.

1.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnnotation 1: Reflects

1.0 pts

Full Marks = Annotation includes reflection including answers to all three of the following questions: How does the article fit into your overall research on the topic? Was this source helpful to you with regard to increasing your understanding of the topic? How did the source confirm or change how you think about the topic?

0.6 pts

.6 credit = Annotation includes reflection including answers to at least two of the questions outlined above.

0.3 pts

.3 credit = Annotation includes reflection including answers to at least one of the questions outlined above.

0.0 pts

No Marks = Annotation does not include reflection.

1.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnnotation 2: APA style citation

0.1 pts

Full Marks = APA citation with < 3 errors

0.0 pts

No Marks= not APA style or 3 + errors

0.1 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnnotation 2: From scientific journal

0.1 pts

Full Marks = Article from a scientific journal

0.0 pts

No Marks = Article from any other source

0.1 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnnotation 2: Current (within 10 years)

0.1 pts

Full Marks = Article published within 10 years

0.0 pts

No Marks = Article not within 10 years

0.1 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnnotation 2: Summarizes

1.0 pts

Full Marks = Annotation includes accurate and comprehensive, yet succinct, summary that describes the purpose of the article and the findings

0.6 pts

.6 credit = Annotation is lacking important details or contains inaccuracies in its summary

0.3 pts

.3 credit = Annotation does not accurately describe the purpose of the article and/or the findings

0.0 pts

No Marks = Summary not included or is plagiarized

1.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnnotation 2: Assesses

1.0 pts

Full Marks = Annotation includes an evaluation of the article including answers to at three of the following questions: Is it a useful source? How does it compare with other sources in your bibliography? Is the information reliable? Is this source biased or objective? What is the goal of this source?

0.6 pts

.6 credit = Annotation includes an evaluation of the article but includes answers to only two of the questions outlined above.

0.3 pts

.3 credit = Annotation includes an evaluation of the article but includes answers to only one of the questions outlined above.

0.0 pts

No Marks = Annotation does not include an evaluation of the article.

1.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnnotation 2: Reflects

1.0 pts

Full Marks = Annotation includes reflection including answers to all three of the following questions: How does the article fit into your overall research on the topic? Was this source helpful to you with regard to increasing your understanding of the topic? How did the source confirm or change how you think about the topic?

0.6 pts

.6 credit = Annotation includes reflection including answers to at least two of the questions outlined above.

0.3 pts

.3 credit = Annotation includes reflection including answers to at least one of the questions outlined above.

0.0 pts

No Marks = Annotation does not include reflection.

1.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnnotation 3: APA style citation

0.2 pts

Full Marks = APA citation with no errors

0.1 pts

.1 credit = APA style citation with 1-2 errors

0.0 pts

No Marks= not APA style or 3 + errors

0.2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnnotation 3: From scientific journal

0.1 pts

Full Marks = Article from a scientific journal

0.0 pts

No Marks = Article from any other source

0.1 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnnotation 3: Current (within 10 years)

0.1 pts

Full Marks = Article published within 10 years

0.0 pts

No Marks = Article not within 10 years

0.1 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnnotation 3: Summarizes

1.0 pts

Full Marks = Annotation includes accurate and comprehensive, yet succinct, summary that describes the purpose of the article and the findings

0.6 pts

.6 credit = Annotation is lacking important details or contains inaccuracies in its summary

0.3 pts

.3 credit = Annotation does not accurately describe the purpose of the article and/or the findings

0.0 pts

No Marks = Summary not included or is plagiarized

1.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnnotation 3: Assesses

1.0 pts

Full Marks = Annotation includes an evaluation of the article including answers to at three of the following questions: Is it a useful source? How does it compare with other sources in your bibliography? Is the information reliable? Is this source biased or objective? What is the goal of this source?

0.6 pts

.6 credit = Annotation includes an evaluation of the article but includes answers to only two of the questions outlined above.

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