explore the vignette provided below and identify the type s of abuse indicators of abuse possible cause s of the abuse the possible long term effects of abuse and the appropriate fashion in which this case should be handled by a mandated re

  • Explore the vignette and identify the type(s) of abuse, indicators of abuse, possible cause(s) of the abuse, the possible long-term effects of abuse, and the appropriate fashion in which this case should be handled by a mandated reporter. This should be 4 to 5 pages long and have a cover page, abstract, and reference page, which do not count towards the 4 to 5 pages. Use your text to properly reference all key terms and ideas related to your case investigation. It should be in APA format, so see the guide uploaded under course materials for assistance.
    Jasmine is a 14-year-old African American girl in the 9th grade. She lives at home with her mother and has no contact or information on the identity and whereabouts of her father. Her mother dates frequently and Jasmine has been exposed to several men.
    Jasmine is having some difficulty with school work and it may be because she is frequently tardy for school and sleepy or sluggish when she arrives. She and her mother argue and even physically fight at home, which has made it difficult for her to keep up with her schoolwork. When she was younger she and her mother got along very well, but once Jasmine started middle school, she became moody and her mother’s current boyfriend moved into the home. Jasmine does not care for him either. She feels that he is very controlling and is constantly trying to tell her what to do. This has particularly caused a problem lately because Jasmine has her first boyfriend, Davian. Davian is one of the more social guys at her high school. He is in the 10th grade, but he has been retained twice so he is 17 years old. He is constantly surrounded by his peers, particularly other girls. Davian is used to getting his way and can be somewhat forceful in their relationship. Teachers have talked to him on several occasions about being too aggressive with Jasmine (ie., grabbing her in the halfway or yelling at her when he is angry). Jasmine is tired her issues at home and school, but sometimes her relationship stresses her out too. She feels the need to be a “ride or die chick” for Davian, but she sometimes wants to talk to the school guidance counselor about all the issues she experiences with him.

attached is a template of how the paper shoud written.

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