evaluating sources using craap criteria
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Week Four Assignment: Evaluating Sources
PURPOSE: The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate critical thinking skills by researching a problem and identifying credible evidence to support your solution to it. To do so, you will evaluate sources in a, reasoned, reflective, and informed manner. Please refer to the rubric attached for detailed scoring criteria.
PREPARATION: Review the document “Evaluating CRAAP Guide” that is attached, as you will be referring to it when writing your evaluations of the sources you select for this assignment. Allow yourself plenty of time to search many sources before selecting ones to evaluate.
STEPS: The steps for this assignment are as follows:
1. Locate two sources using online library databases that are relevant to your research question. (I have not chosen a research question, so you may choose any research question you want). For this, you will need to focus on answering one question. You are encouraged to choose one that will help you learn more about your intended field of work, but you are free to select one of your own. Examples might include: “Was the Kelo vs. New London Supreme Court case an accurate interpretation of the Constitution?” “Are the current copyright rules fair to artists?” or “Should the Affordable Health Care Act be modified?” Each requires only a “yes” or “no” answer, but will need evidence to support that response.
2. Underneath each of the references, evaluate the source using the CRAAP (Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose) criteria as well as the points of criteria outlined in the text from your assigned readings this week.
Please use APA format for this assignment. There is no required page length, however, given the instructions for the assignment, my guess is it will be approximately two pages when completed. Please submit the completed assignment as a .doc file.
NursesHomeworkHelp.com places a strong emphasis on delivering high-quality work that meets and exceeds academic standards. The company is committed to upholding excellence in every aspect of their service. The writers at NursesHomeworkHelp conduct thorough research, ensuring that assignments are well-informed and grounded in evidence-based practice. Moreover, they adhere to academic conventions, including proper referencing and citation, to ensure the integrity and credibility of the work. By consistently maintaining high-quality standards, NursesHomeworkHelp enables nursing students to excel academically and develop the necessary skills for their future careers.