edu 2800 rubrics
What will I do to establish and communicate learning goals, track student progress, and celebrate success?
In Chapter 1, Marzano talks about writing rubrics for learning goals. (Note: learning goals are also called learning targets.) For this assignment please choose one learning goal that is aligned to a standard, objective, strand, or concept you will be teaching in the next two weeks. Using the format of your choice, create a rubric that will allow you to assess if the learning goal for that standard, unit, strand, or concept has been met. Pages 19, 21 and 22 in the book have examples. Six examples are also provided below for you to look at.
Digital Literacy/Keyboarding
This course is an introduction to computer literacy. Students will have opportunities to use technology and develop skills that encourage creativity, critical thinking, productivity, and collaboration in the classroom and day-to-day life. Skills will be demonstrated by creating a project for a different content area. This course is aligned with national and international standards and the Utah Core to prepare students across multiple levels of skills. Students will complete this course with a prerequisite to move into high school computer literacy courses.