ed535 debunking myths

Debunking Myths

Complete the following assignment using the information in this week’s readings in the text, one of the article choices in the required studies, and two articles from Debunking Brain Myths (Carey, n.d.).

  1. Choose one of the following:
    • Select one myth and clearly identify what is known to be accurate and inaccurate about that idea. Tie this to your reading about how people learn and how neuroscience or cognitive science concepts have been appropriated for educational use.
    • Dig deeper into an issue you uncovered in the reading about the different opinions and concepts present in this field. Rather than a specific myth, you may choose a broader issue (e.g., how teachers are taught about cognitive science and brain-based learning, how professional development has impacted this work, how ideas get from neuroscience researchers to teachers).
  2. Explain your understanding of this topic by doing one of the following:
    • Create a 5-minute video of yourself discussing the topic.
      • Include an APA-style reference list for the material you cited.
      • Upload your video to YouTube. (Due to server limitations, Blackboard cannot accept video files as attachments. For information on how to upload your video to an external service, read Upload Videos in the Concordia Knowledge Base. It is recommended that you set your privacy setting to unlisted.)
      • Submit both your reference list and a link to the YouTube video .
    • Create a narrated PowerPoint presentation.

Support your statements with evidence from the required studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.

Click here for information on course rubrics.


Carey, G. (n.d.). Debunking brain myths. Retrieved from http://www.scoop.it/t/debunking-brain-myths

Microsoft. (n.d.). Compress your media files. Retrieved from https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Compress-…

Effective Translation of Ideas in the Classroom

“Problem solving” and “critical thinking”, these buzz words, regularly used in educational circles, refer to particular learning skills and outcomes educators would like to see in their students. A Google search of the phrase “critical thinking” draws 28 million results in less than one second. In the same amount of time, “problem solving” generates nearly 72 million results. While neither of these would be considered effective web searches for research purposes, the number of mentions of these terms helps to see the prevalence of these ideas in society.

In the course text, Carey (2014) looks closely at these two phrases to help determine how they influence learning experiences. The challenge for you this week is to begin to consider how the two concepts “problem solving” and “critical thinking” are or are not effectively translated to the current context of education and the work going on in schools daily.

Carey (2014) also discusses the important—and often unnoticed—work done through perceptual discrimination. One’s senses are alive with information and are constantly processing the world around him or her to help make conscious (and subconscious) decisions about one’s next move or action. Research shows that one’s skills at perceptual discrimination are refined from an early age, and individuals are constantly becoming more skilled at effectively identifying and responding to the most relevant environmental inputs (Scott, Pascalis, & Nelson, 2007). How this work affects learning is one of the areas you will consider this week.

However, one of the realities of the research being done in the areas of cognitive and neuroscience is that ideas are often taken out of context or purpose. Great ideas are generated from research, but understanding why these ideas work in these ways is not always clear or accurate. One challenge as a teacher is to be continually aware of the impact of current research on the brain and its effect on classroom practice.

This week, you will have the opportunity to explore some of these challenges and consider what is known about classroom practices. Are they research based?


Carey, B. (2014). How we learn: The surprising truth about when, where, and why it happens. New York: Random House.

Scott, L. S., Pascalis, O., & Nelson, C. A. (2007). A domain-general theory of the development of perceptual discrimination. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 16(4), 197-201. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8721.2007.00503.x

Weekly Objectives

Through participation in the following activities, the candidate will:

  • Apply the concepts of cognitive processes (e.g. memorization, problem solving) to teaching and learning. (8j)
    • Problem Solving and Perceptual Discrimination and Learning
    • Debunking Myths
  • Identify and explain the significance of cognitive science research in teaching and learning. (1d, 1e, 2j, 8j)
    • Debunking Myths

Required Studies

The following materials are required studies for this week. Complete these studies at the beginning of the week, and save these materials for future use. Full references for these materials are listed in the Required Course Materials section of the syllabus.

How We Learn (Carey, 2014)
  • Chapter 6: The Upside of Distraction
  • Chapter 7: Quitting Before You’re Ahead
  • Chapter 8: Being Mixed Up
  • Chapter 9: Learning Without Thinking
  • Chapter 10: You Snooze, You Win
  • Conclusion: The Foraging Brain
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