discussion reply 123
Using Improvement Science Models to Promote Quality and Safety
Quality improvement and patient safety are imperative clinical targets supported by policy, patient advocacy, and healthcare professional groups but lack sufficient research to determine which improvement strategy is best (“Improvement Science Research, 2013â€). The two improvement models that could be implemented to drive change in my organization and improve the occurrences of medication errors are the change acceleration process model (CAP), and the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA). These two processes could help promote change in the workplace through identifying the problem, analyzing, and determining what changes should be made and the method of change. The CAP works in conjunction with Lean Six Sigma to accelerate change management. The PDSA model is a rapid, sequential, and cumulative learning cycle that provides valuable outcome data within the on-going work of care teams (Ernst et al., 2010). In the PDSA model, organizations plan, review, study, and act on interventions to improve change. The CAP model requires organizations to be responsive in identifying the error, and be responsive in developing strategies and techniques to implement change. Both models can be utilized in my organization to help develop skills, and resources to implement positive change and promote patient safety which is the ultimate goal.
Quality improvement (QI) science is a flexible systems-based approach for improving the quality of health care delivery within daily clinical practice (Polk, 2011). After further research, the improvement model I would use to improve medication errors would be CAP. This CAP model requires effective communication and leadership involvement to drive and accept change in the organization. CAP contributes to patient safety, higher quality, and effective business models necessitate the use of many different techniques that are available in the industrial, health care, and business industries (Polk, 2011). The quality aim I would relate the CAP model to would be effective. The CAP model has been proven to be effective when organizations utilize techniques to promote patient safety. The key to the successful use of any tool is the support of the leadership structure behind it and the acceptance by those who have to implement it (Polk, 2011).
Ernst, M. M., Wooldridge, J. L., Conway, E., Dressman, K., Weiland, J., Tucker, K., & Seid, M.
(2010). Using Quality Improvement Science to Implement a Multidisciplinary Behavioral Intervention Targeting Pediatric Inpatient Airway Clearance. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 35(1), 14–24. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1093/jpe…
Improvement Science Research Network. (2013). What is Improvement Science? Retrieved
January 6, 2020, from http://isrn.net/about/improvement_science.asp
Polk, J. D. (2011). Lean Six Sigma, Innovation, and the Change Acceleration Process Can Work
Together. Physician Executive, 37(1), 38–42. Retrieved from https://search-ebscohost-com.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=57457680&site=ehost-live&scope=site