discussion 2451
Think about a company with which you are affiliated or familiar and some kind of data or micro-labor need the company might have. Compose an initial response that addresses the following:
•What is the data or micro-labor need?
•Could it be crowd-sourced? How and why?
•What would be the benefits and drawbacks for crowdsourcing this particular thing?
•What would be the incentive for “the crowd†to help the company address its need?
Support your response and all factual assertions with appropriate scholarly or industry sources with proper citations in APA format. Remember that opinions are fine but they must be rooted in facts. Do not approach this as a journal entry filled with your stream-of-thoughts. Do thorough reading on the topic before responding and use what you’ve read as evidence to support what you post. Do not use Wikipedia or similar sites. Do not use blog posts unless they are official publications of the relevant companies or their employees (e.g., Mark Zuckerberg’s blog would be an appropriate source for information about Facebook).