discuss why deprofessionalization in health care does not eliminate the original profession discuss if this is likely to change in the future
Critical Elements Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Value Comprehension Develops an initial post with an organized, clear point of view or idea using rich and significant detail (100%) Develops an initial post with a point of view or idea using appropriate detail (90%) Develops an initial post with a point of view or idea but with some gaps in organization and detail (70%) Does not develop an initial post with an organized point of view or idea (0%) 20 Timeliness Submits initial post on time (100%) Submits initial post one day late (70%) Submits initial post two or more days late (0%) 10 Engagement Provides relevant and meaningful response posts with clarifying explanation and detail (100%) Provides relevant response posts with some explanation and detail (90%) Provides somewhat relevant response posts with some explanation and detail (70%) Provides response posts that are generic with little explanation or detail (0%) 20 Critical Thinking Draws insightful conclusions that are thoroughly defended with evidence and examples (100%) Draws informed conclusions that are justified with evidence (90%) Draws logical conclusions (70%) Does not draw logical conclusions (0%) 30
Writing (Mechanics)
Initial post and responses are easily understood, clear, and concise using proper citation methods where applicable with no errors in citations (100%)
Initial post and responses are easily understood using proper citation methods where applicable with few errors in citations (90%)
Initial post and responses are understandable using proper citation methods where applicable with a number of errors in citations (70%)
Initial post and responses are not understandable and do not use proper citation methods where applicable (0%)
Total 10