country fact sheet international marketing

Our country is South and West Africa. Just make sure that the country you use is from south and west Africa.

please use the template that I upload. and I also upload the list of sources that you can use.

Use the attached template to create a fact sheet about your country of study.

Also attached is a list of sources for information about the country and many links for political and legal issues.


Country Fact Sheet Rubric

Country Fact Sheet Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGeography and environment

1.8 pts

Full Marks

Well done. Clear picture of how country’s history has impacted current day situation

1.0 pts


Needs more detail or more clarity in presentation of data

0.0 pts


Need more data, ;more analysis, not just data

0.0 pts


Need much more analysis

0.0 pts


Confusing or hard to understand or needs more detail

1.8 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeHistory

1.8 pts

Full Marks

Well done. Clear picture of how country’s history has impacted current day situation

1.0 pts


Needs more detail or more clarity in presentation of data

0.0 pts


Need more data, ;more analysis, not just data

0.0 pts


Need much more analysis

0.0 pts


Confusing or hard to understand or needs more detail

1.8 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePolitics and Government

1.8 pts

Full Marks

Well done. Clear picture of how country’s history has impacted current day situation

1.0 pts


Needs more detail or more clarity in presentation of data

0.0 pts


Need more data, ;more analysis, not just data

0.0 pts


Need much more analysis

0.0 pts


Confusing or hard to understand or needs more detail

1.8 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLegal

1.8 pts

Full Marks

Well done. Clear picture of how country’s history has impacted current day situation

1.0 pts


Needs more detail or more clarity in presentation of data

0.0 pts


Need more data, ;more analysis, not just data

0.0 pts


Need much more analysis

0.0 pts


Confusing or hard to understand or needs more detail

1.8 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormat, grammar, typos

0.8 pts

Full Marks

Well done. Clear picture of how country’s history has impacted current day situation

0.0 pts


Need more data, ;more analysis, not just data

0.0 pts


Need much more analysis

0.0 pts


Needs more detail or more clarity in presentation of data

0.0 pts


Confusing or hard to understand or needs more detail

0.8 pts

Total Points: 8.0

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