complete simple 5w chart for research topic

Journalists’ questions help generate ideas about your topic. Often referred to as the “Five W’s,” or the reporter’s rubric, these questions help you to figure out what you need to learn when considering a topic for research: who, what, where, when and why?

Sometimes another question, “How?” is also added to the list in order to cover as many angles as possible. I strongly suggest trying to answer these five questions while brainstorming a topic and thesis for your upcoming essay.

Here is an example of how the “Five W’s” strategy works:

Topic: Plastic Surgery

Who? Focus on one group: teenagers, sports figures, journalists, movie stars, burn victims, men over 50 …

What? Take a perspective: type of surgeries — hair implants, liposuction, face lift, tattoo removing …

Where? Find a geographic location: Illinois, New York, Alaska, California . . . .

When? Choose a time span: past, present, future

Why? Engage in reasoning: Cosmetic purposes, medical purposes, acceptance, rejection …

How? Review procedures: method, anesthetics, recovery, emotional support …

AFTER answering each question in the list, compose a tentative thesis statement:

Naperville North High School female graduates believe they are more attractive if they elect to have liposuction, a common plastic surgery method.

Answer the 5 W questions as it relates to your topic. Remember, you are building an argument by putting these parts together. Copy this chart, fill in the blanks with YOUR responses and send to me in a Microsoft Word attachment via e-mail

  1. Who?
  2. What?
  3. Where?
  4. When?
  5. Why?


EXAMPLE Topic: Curfew

Thumbs up. ***Thesis statement written with argument: An 11:00 p.m. curfew in DuPage County should be mandatory for eighteen-year-olds because of safety reasons.
Rustic sign which says 'Wrong Way' Thesis statement written with fact: A curfew is enforced in DuPage County.
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