chapter 12 internet exercise motivating potential employees

In order for multinationals to continue expanding their operations, they must be able to attract and retain highly qualified personnel in many countries. Much of their success in doing this will be tied to the motivational package that they offer, including financial opportunities, benefits and perquisites, meaningful work, and an environment that promotes productivity and worker creativity. Consumer product firms, in particular, are a good example of MNCs that are trying very hard to increase their worldwide market share. So for them, employee motivation is an area that is getting a lot of attention. Go to the web and look at the career opportunities that are currently being offered by Nestlé, Unilever, and Procter & Gamble (websites:,, All three of these companies provide information about the career opportunities they offer. Based on this information, answer these questions:

  1. What are some of the things that all three firms offer to motivate new employees?
  2. Which of the three has the best motivational package? Why?
  3. Are there any major differences between P&G and European-based rivals? What conclusion can you draw from this?

Source: Chapter 12 Internet Exercise: Motivating Potential Employees (International Management – Luthans & Doh)

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