assignments and discussion
Before a personal trainer can develop a workout and nutrition plan, he or she will meet with the client, ask questions, and determine the client’s current strength and ability. Writing instructors use a similar process to help students diagnose their writing strengths and weaknesses and develop a training plan.
A diagnostic writer’s response is intended to help you and your professor learn more about your individual writing strengths and weaknesses. The feedback you will receive from your professor will help you think more about your writing and what you need to address to strengthen your personal, academic, and professional communication.
Unit 2 Assignment Instructions
Prepare: Select a journal article about an issue in your field of study from the Library. For help with finding an article to reading and analyze, review the Assignment guidelines.
Read the article and apply what you have learned about effective reading and writing to complete this Assignment.
Please review the following guide for help with picking an article to analyze and for help with the writing process.
Write: Analyze the article you have read, addressing the following requirements in 3 well-developed paragraphs:
- In paragraph 1: Identify the author, title, and publication information for your article. Identify the article’s audience and purpose. Summarize the main points in the article in your own words.
- In paragraph 2: Discuss what the author does to develop or support these main points. For example, personal experience, statistics, interviews, facts, and emotions are just a few of many different strategies authors use to support main ideas.
- In paragraph 3: Analyze the effectiveness of the article. Identify one to two specific qualities of the article you read that you find to be effective. For example, an author may use statistics to effectively appeal to a professional audience. Or, an author may use a conversational tone to appeal to a novice audience.
Review a sample student Assignment.
Submit: Your submission should:
- Be at least 3 well-developed paragraphs
- Be approximately 1–2.5 pages, double spaced, in length
Complete the assigned Unit 2 Reading and Learning Activities. Preview the Unit 2 Assignment guideline for help with selecting an article to read and analyze.
Select a journal article about an issue in your field of study from the Library. Do not select an article which simply summarizes job duties, but instead look for an article which addresses a change, important topic, new idea, current trend, etc.
Post: Summarize and analyze
To prepare for success on the Unit 2 Assignment, address the following points in at least 2 well-developed paragraphs:
- Identify the author and title of the article you chose to read, along with the URL link to the article.
- Briefly summarize the article.
- Identify the main point of the article and what makes it effective.
- Share what you learned about effective writing from reading this article.
- Include an open-ended question about any issue your initial post raises which your classmates can help you with.
**Remember, you will use the same article for the Unit 2 Assignment.
Respond: Respond to classmates’ postings
Participate by responding to at least two classmates’ initial postings. Be sure to focus on effective writing and what we can learn by reading the work of others. Offer suggestions related to their analysis of the audience and purpose or how main ideas are supported that could help your classmates. Keep the conversation going by adding to what your classmates have already written by asking questions or sharing connected ideas.
Review a sample student Discussion Board post.
Discussion requirements
Initial post should:
- demonstrate effectively developed paragraphs
- be on topic
- be original
- contribute to the quality of the discussion
- make frequent and informed references to the unit concepts
Critical Reflection Paper on Segmentation for Target Markets Differentiating from Target Audiences
The idea for critical reflection is to encourage you to dig a bit more on a single topic and give it that personal reflection.
People are often asked to write about a topic and then proceed to regurgitate from books or articles about the topic — but they do not really learn anything unless it actually relates to their own world.
For example, take the topic of cultural communications. While you could write books on the differences between cultures and how they communicate, it would mean more to you personally if you were to write about a situation in which you may need to communicate with someone who, due to their culture, gets very animated when they talk. This might come off to you as being loud and bossy. On the other hand, you might have a situation in which you communicate with someone who simply agrees with you because they don’t like to get into personal disagreements.
When working with people in the business promotions field, how might differences in cultural communications affect your interactions with these individuals? In light of the above examples, reflect on and provide your own examples of how your cultural communications will affect how you approach and interact with individuals from a different cultural perspective.
You must include a minimum of two reference sources: one source from within your readings and one source from outside the course to add value to your reflection. Include two double-spaced, APA-formatted written pages. Include a cover page (not counted in the 2 pages).
Kim Anderson has written “Guidelines for Critical Thinking and Writing: analysis-contexts-discussion-conclusions†that may help you organize your thoughts and writing. These six dimensions may be used for most thinking and writing.
Critical thinking is a lot more than merely following a format for constructing a paper. In addition, you must “challenge assumptions,” and observe “different perspectives,” to name a couple of biggies. It is still all a matter of what and how — the important, elusive dimensions rooted in values and abilities.
The following six parts may be viewed as a rough outline for a research paper. They also constitute the six dimensions that must find expression in any substantial, critical development of analysis and opinion. Not just for research papers — these six dimensions of critical thinking and writing should also be applied when writing a shorter review or contemplative essay.
Shorter texts also need structure, progression, and focus, all of which the six dimensions will assist in establishing. I encourage you to apply these dimensions to any writing assignments, whether a grand research paper, a review, or an essay.
Your work with the material (a novel, a scholarly text, a philosophical treatise, a poem, a film, a saga, or an idea — or two or more of the above) is at the very heart of learning, and will, when pursued conscientiously, transform itself from lesser to greater confidence and ability.
It is therefore important that from the outset, with every writing assignment, you consider the implementation of each of these dimensions of critical thinking. Then, with every assignment, you will familiarize yourself with their dynamic, strengthen your communicative abilities, and make your contribution to critical thinking and writing.
I. Identify the basics of the topic
This is the introduction to your paper. Present the importance of the issue, outline context and potential ramifications. End your introduction with a paragraph providing an overview of the following paper.
II. Analyze the material
Analysis may be employed in different ways using different methods. Define your concepts and discuss your method. Analysis is about examination and synthesis: investigating components, identifying their qualities, strengths, and weaknesses, and connecting those in a coherent manner, demonstrating their relevance and importance for the whole. Always question content and relevance!
III. Address different perspectives
Consider different viewpoints on the material. Never assume a certain perspective to be self-evident and obvious. Different analytical perspectives may reveal different ideas and understandings of the same event or idea. This analytical dimension requires examination and critique of scholarly opinions on your material.
IV. Examine contexts
Identify and assess assumptions and ideological perspectives to be found in historical and social contexts. Interpretation is also conditioned by your own assumptions, cultural, and ideological bias. Analysis and interpretation is ultimately about disclosing and examining such contextually determined points of view.
V. Identify own position
Your own opinion on the material in opposition to those of other sources, may be presented in a particular section, for instance after your objective analysis of the material and your discussion of different perspectives. You may also choose to inject your voice as a discussant throughout your paper. This is most effectively done in an objectifying manner without continuous use of the pronouns “I” and “my.”
VI. Conclusion
Consider the importance of your findings and their implications. Tie all strings together in an overview. Emphasize the qualities and importance of your investigation, and briefly outline directions for further study.
Andersen, K. (n.d.). Some guidelines for critical thinking and writing: Analysis-contexts-discussion-conclusion. Retrieved from
MT359-2: Distinguish market segments and target audiences.
Marketing managers should not assume everyone wants their products. People have differences, and marketing managers will need to separate consumers into groups with similarities. This process not only helps marketers in creating appropriate messages, the grouping will help with forecasting and efficient use of limited budgets. There is an abundance of secondary information to support marketers when making segmenting decisions. A good understanding of variables and how they relate to a product is key to marketing management effective planning.
Using the same product selected in the Unit 1 Assignment, profile the market segments that should be targeted. Using the consumer decision-making process — provide a list of potential consumer steps that would be common when they consider using your chosen product. This Assignment should be 2–3 pages in length using APA format. Since you are using market data to describe your target markets, your sources must be cited and references.
Organization of Assignment
- Cover page
- Description of product
- What is the potential market?
- What segments are more likely customers that you will want to target? Give a brief description of each segmentation used.
- List steps in the consumer decision-making process where consumers would consider your product. What might attract or distract the consumer during each step?
- Conclusion
- References
Example using a chart:
Geographic (customer location, region, urban/rural, weather) |
Demographic (age, gender, occupation, socioeconomic group, sex, race) |
Behavioral (rate of usage, benefits sought, loyalty status, readiness to buy) |
Psychographic (personality, lifestyles, attitudes, usage intention) |
Customers within 25 miles of Sienna, ND |
College educated |
Instant demand |
Preference for green products |