anthro 101 discussion post reply activity




Archaeology Activity :

Create a time line displaying archaeological/genetic data relevant to the Peopling of the Americas. Use the Morton article (4.3) and my powerpoint, as well as Coming into Country reading (4.4).

Your time line can be created in a word doc, hand drawn, or some other software. The only requirements are: 1) that is displays the data in chronological order, 2) that it includes all of the information listed below with the correct dates (you can use BP, which is equivalent to “years ago” or years before present, where present is considered AD 2000 — this is different from BC and AD, so make sure you convert if necessary), 3) brief description of the data/evidence and how the site (or evidence) was dated — that is, but what method.

Include ALL of the following: Peopling of Australia; Peopling of Hawaii; Peopling of Siberia; Paisley Cave; California Mastadon Kill; Opening of Beringia; Opening of Ice-free Corridor; Monte Verde; Anzick burial and DNA; Kennewick Man; Manis Kill Site; Meadowcroft Rock Shelter; Gault Site; Upper Sun River; Cactus Hill; Channel Islands; Clovis-Blackwater Draw (New Mexico). You may include any additional evidence that you think is relevant.

Finally, write up one paragraph summarizing what archaeologists agree on about Peopling of the Americas, and what issues/evidence remains the subject of debate and in need of further research.

Discussion post:

The Anzick Site, the 12,600 year old burial of the young boy with hundreds of significant Clovis artifacts, has been a source of interest and controversy. As of today, the boy’s remains have been subjected to genomic testing (prior to getting any approval or permission from Native American tribes), and then reburied. However, the original artifacts found with him were not reburied, and they remain on display at the Historical Society in Helena, Montana. This is upsetting to many Native Americans, for reasons discussed in the articles you read for this week. This is a complicated issue, and you are expected to demonstrate in your post that you have read about NAGPRA, and that you understand the ethical issues involved.

ANSWER BOTH OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: A) Should the remains of ancient American Indians be studied? and B) Should the Clovis artifacts be reburied with the Anzick Boy? [post 300 words/2 Responses 150 words) In order to receive full credit for this post you will need to demonstrate: 1) why it is considered to be such an important find for science, and 2) why Native Americans firmly believe they have the ethical right have the remains of Anzick Boy (and other skeletal remains, such as the Kennewick Man) left alone and respected (i.e., again, be aware of ethnocentric bias here, and imagine how you would feel if the Russians came in and dig up your grandparents and study them to satisfy their curiosity about their genetics and funerary practices, and then publish the results and put the stuff on display in their museum.

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