answer to discussion questions

********* please respond to the three discussion questions below, add citations and references 🙂 ********

Answer one : (Goleman, n.d) pointed out that self-awareness is the ability to recognize and understand personal moods and emotions and drive, as well as their efforts on others. Self-awareness is essential to leadership effectiveness and intelligence. Also, Whitney (2018) reiterates that Self-awareness creates the ability to understand and appreciate individuals and acknowledge other people’s emotions from their expressions, body language, facial expression and what they are saying.Human beings are complex and diverse. To become more self-aware, we should develop an understanding of ourselves in many areas. Key areas for self-awareness include our personality traits, personal values, habits, emotions, and the psychological needs that drive our behaviors.

(Mayer & Salovey, 1997) stated that emotional intelligence is the ability to discern emotions, access and generate emotions to assist thought, to understand emotions and emotional knowledge, and to reflectively regulate emotions in order to promote emotional and intellectual growth. Having emotional intelligence is essential for success, if a leader is the type that shouts at his team when under stress, then that leader has created an environment that will not foster team work and growth, rather than remaining in control, and calmly assessing the situation, this type of leader is likely to succeed.

People with a high degree of emotional intelligence know what they’re feeling, what their emotions mean, and how these emotions can affect other people. Some of the behaviors someone with high degree of self -awareness might possess include empathy. For example, a nurse just got promoted as a unit manager. This position was given as a result of all the outstanding good leadership qualities shown. The leader understands staff feelings and tries to react and address them in a professional and respectful manner, When this manager sees that a patient’s family member is feeling sad, it influences how she responds to that individual by treating them with extra care and concern , this promote trust and efficiency.


Daniel Goleman’s five components of emotional intelligence. (n.d.). Retrieved from…

Mayer, J. D. & Salovey, P. (1997). Emotional Development and Emotional Intelligence: Educational Implications.Harper Collins Pub. New York, New York.

Whitney, S. (2018). Roles and responsibilities in leadership and management. Nursing Leadership and Management: Leading and Serving. 1. Ch. 2. Retrieved from…

Answer two : Having insight into one’s own strengths and weaknesses through self-awareness, helps a leader to effectively manage their interactions with others. This type of emotional intelligence guides leaders to be aware of their weaknesses and lessen any negative effects this may have on themselves or others (Whitney, 2018) For example, a leader who is aware that they have a weakness of becoming defensive, may take time to reflect on this and learn to find ways to accept constructive suggestions. This awareness may also help them to improve how they provide constructive suggestions to others. Having awareness of one’s strengths can also be used to improve performance and mentor one’s strengths to others. Having a high degree of self-awareness can help improve interactions with others by monitoring and self-correcting their behaviors when they see negative consequences arise. A perceptive leader will be able to identify even subtle cues from others and adapt their behavior accordingly.

An example of behaviors that a highly effective leader would use includes: seeking and accepting all feedback from others, using non-verbal communications skills along with verbal skills to demonstrate support and encouragement, making themselves highly approachable, being able to acknowledge mistakes and make corrections in a way that is productive and not self-deprecating, and controlling one’s emotions to address problems proactively and professionally.

Having a high degree of self-awareness is important when managing patient care as well. There are times when a leader needs to deal with a highly dissatisfied patient or family member and having emotional intelligence is crucial in these situations. It is important to be able to calmly listen and validate their feelings without becoming defensive, then offer explanations and solutions that are professional and demonstrates the values of providing compassionate care. There are times when patients or family members can be irrational and unreasonable, having the emotional intelligence to refrain from becoming defensive, sarcastic, or unwilling to make efforts to understand their anger is essential.


Whitney, S. (2018). Roles and responsibilities in leadership and management. In Nursing leadership & management. [Academic Web Services]. Retrieved from…

Answer Three; Emotional Intelligence requires self control, patience, and empathy. Effective leaders usually have emotional intelligence and are able to relate or adapt to the staff they manage. A leader who has self awareness has a strong work ethic and ambition, for instance; they possess a high degree of emotional intelligence. In research comparing those who excelled in senior leadership roles with those who were merely average, it was found that almost ninety percent of the differences in their profiles was due to emotional intelligence, rather than cognitive ability.

“The higher the rank of a person considered to be a star performer, the more emotional intelligence capabilities showed up as the reason for his or her effectiveness,”(Smith,McGrath, 2009). Someone with emotional intelligence who has strong self awareness can control their emotion and not react negatively to a situation. They are able to cognitively think about their response rather than reacting on impulse which helps to deescalate the situation. This makes them an effective leader because they are able to manage their staff and any situation that arises with a calm disposition and a level head. If someone is unsure if they have self awareness they can start a journal on how they react in situations at work, if they allow their emotions to get the best of them and how others respond to them. An example of self awareness would be; a coworker confronting you at work in an unprofessional manner at the nurses station, although you are unhappy with the approach and negativity, you are able to calmly ask the coworker to walk down the hall to speak privately. Even if the coworker continues to react unprofessionally and doesn’t agree to talk in private, you possess the control with your self awareness and emotional intelligence to walk away until the situation is calm. This type of awareness allows for the leader to remain calm and not allow the negativity to control their response. (Whitney, 2018)

Karen Bulmer Smith, Joanne Profetto-McGrath. (2009) International Journal Of Nursing Studies, Emotional Intelligence and nursing; An integrative literature review. Volume 46, Issue 12, December 2009, Pages 1624-1636.

Whitney, S. (2018). Roles and responsibilities in leadership and management. In Nursing leadership & management. [Academic Web Services]. Retrieved from…

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