6 7 page advocacy project on the importance of school inclusion for special needs children

The Advocacy Project is to be submitted along with a detailed summary of the project; this is at least 6–7 pages in length. The Advocacy Project must include the following:

  1. Introduction: Must include a summary of the issues and a clear thesis statement
  2. Rationale for the mode of choice: This must include the rationale for the mode of choice detailing why the issue is relevant to public policy.
  3. Include the elements of your outline headings: Each heading must be supported with research, facts, strategies, etc. The following outline would be an example (http://www.ala.org/advocacy/sites/ala.org.advocacy/files/content/advleg/advocacyinstitute/Advocacy%20Action%20Plan%20-%20revised%2001-09.pdf):
    1. Setting your goals
    2. Strategies for developing your message
    3. Strategies to get the message out
    4. Team building
    5. Putting it all together
  4. Conclusion: offers a good summary of issues treated in the paper and offers practical application.
  5. References
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